Róbert Alföldi: My true Hungarian Christian compatriots who believe deeply, okay?


He sees as a problem that from now on the government decides what love is and who is fit to love.

As we wrote, a government decree was issued on Saturday, according to which single people can only adopt a child with special ministerial permission, and same-sex couples will not have the opportunity to adopt.

In the past, gay couples could also raise children through the possibility of adopting single, provided that child protection contributed. From now on, this is only possible if approved by Katalin Novák. The Minister of the Family recently said on the subject that the issue of the adoption of homosexuals is not among the first hundred problems of Hungarians.

In recent weeks, many people have spoken out about the disputed measure in many ways, sometimes provoking great anger with the statement “Family is family.” Such as Péter Gulácsi Goalkeeper of the Hungarian national team, who asked people for acceptance, affection and tolerance in his registration.

Róbert Alföldi on Sunday afternoon, Facebook responded that the government’s intention had now been enshrined in a decree:

The Hungarian Gazette has been published, and now the law stipulates that the government, including the minister without portfolio responsible for the families, can authorize and decide what love is and who is fit to love, and also who can love, help, raise sons. who have no family, no parents, no love in their lives.

Beautifull! Really, this is a Christian government!
Now it really shows!

I ask you again, my true fellow Hungarian Christians, who believe deeply, okay?

– write in your post.

# family family
Rainbow Family Foundation

The Hungarian Gazette has been published and now …

Posted by Alföldi Róbert on Sunday, February 28, 2021
