Rma is the last cage whose longest period of civilization ends


On September 4, 476 AD, the Grand Duke of Hhai, Attila, a retired German army commander, Odoaker, conquered Ravenn, the capital of the Western Roman Empire, and forced the resignation of the last Roman government, Romulus Augustus. With the resignation of just a dozen kidneys, not only the history of the twelve centuries of ancient Rma, but also one of the longest periods of human civilization, the era.

The rmai eagle rules the world

Flavius ​​Romulus, a German-born western Roman politician-commander, Flavius ​​Orestes, gave birth to children in the imperial capital, Ravenn. The exact date of the set is unknown, according to some words it is set to 461, the other date is set to 463.

Bronze statue of Flavius ​​Orestes in SkopjeForrs: Dreamstime Stock Photos

When Flavius ​​Romulus ceased to exist, mr was not the seat of the court of Csszri, which was established in Ravenn by Honorius csszr in 402, eventually removing the rk vros mr in little glory from the former glory.

In the second half of the 5th century AD, the Rmai Empire displayed a completely different image than that of the classical Csorskny era, in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD.

Ancient mosaic ensemble of Ravenna in the Basilica of Saint ApolliniusForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Ruge

The empire has been plagued by strong internal tensions since the third century.

the npvndorls then became the first great wave and due to the sharp end of state leadership that challenged the main Augustus system.

Augustus, the beginning of the creation of a sculpture of the first century.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Till Niermann / Till Niermann

The great reform of the state of Augustus, which ended the polygraphy of the 1st century, the 1st century BC, created an empire and a highly centralized system of government that left the institutions of society intact and formally maintained sacred power.

The Forum Romanum or, as the Romans called it more often, the Forum Magnum was the main center of the Rma of the time, the Capitolium and the Palatine, which was considered the interface of the commercial and political world. By the early 5th century AD, Rma had lost its central role in the centuries.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons

Created by Augustus, the principle lasted almost two centuries, but by the end of the third century it had not proven to be an adequate framework to prevent the collapse of the empire.

Recognizing this, Diocletian introduced the tetrarchy system, dividing the empire into larger parts,

that it was controlled by two Augustus and the two Caesars subordinate to them, with the complete expulsion of the saint, relying exclusively on the inflated faculty and the armies subordinate to the rulers.

The largest crucifixion in the history of the Roman Empire, and the dismantling of the main system could lead to the rule of Diocletian.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons

This type of leadership philosophy is the short existence of the tetrarchy.

it also survived in the Age of Constantines.

The classical religious-cultural foundations of the ancient Rma were finally destroyed in the 4th century with the state of Christianity, and then with the edict banning traditional Roman rhyme and pagan cults, published in Theodosius I 393.

In 395, Theodosius I divided the empire into two independent units, the Western Eastern Empire, which replaced his sons, Honorius and Arcadius.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons

In the middle of the 5th century, the world of mg twinkling was practically transferred to the Italian island and its immediate geographic vicinity.

The last rmai emperor was placed as a child

Flavius ​​Romulus’s father, Iulius Nepos, had a brilliant career at the court of Ravenna during his reign in the West. Orestest, an extremely ambitious and talented commander, was appointed by the Chief of Staff of Nepal in early 475 as Commander-in-Chief of the Western Army. official cm.

Iulius Nepos Western Beak Gold solidus frontal with bust portraitForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.

Due to this cost, the court in Ravenna became the second largest man of power, right after the barracks.

With great honor, he took power in a military coup on August 28, 475,

but the revolution of his palace was not entirely successful, as the Csosr of Nepos managed to move to Dalmci, which was kept secret until the hall in 480.

Romulus Augustus became a child or a teenager in the last Western Empire movie (Detail from cm movie “The Last Air” filmed in 2007)Forrs: Pinterest / Gale L.

Despite all the industrialism of Orestes, he failed to seize the western coast to which Constantinople should have contributed. Therefore, by giving up this plan on October 31, 475, the cheese made it suitable for childhood, even though

that the Eastern Roman Empire did not recognize this appointment as valid either.

Orestes chose a symbolic name for the fins of the Csszri, which, in addition to Romulus, one of the founders of the red city, was also named the first bar, Augustus, which symbolizes the golden age.

Romulus and Remus (one of the mythical trtnets founded by Rma vros, Princess Rhea Silvia and Mars, twins of the god godForrs: Wikimedia Commons / User: Wolpertinger

At the time of his arrival, Romulus Augustus may have been a boy of 12 children or a teenager up to three years older, guided by his father and dancers during his short reign.

All the important decisions that were made on behalf of the csszr were actually made by his father.

Shortly after the reign of Romulus Augustus, the mercenaries of the Herullians, Skraks, and Troccilings laid out ground for the court of Ravenna among the tribes of the Western Empire, which was attached to the Western Empire, but treated the empire much more.

Romulus Augustus, the child’s beak The last cm of air of the feature filmForrs: Pinterest / Gale L.

However, Orestes, on behalf of the csszr, refused to crack down on the land, leading to a crackdown.

Az elgedetlenkedk lre Odoaker,

he became commander of a descendant of the Western Empire, the only army of the Western Empire, stationed at Pannni, which was the only armored army of the Western Empire.

Romulus Augustus puts an end not only to Roman history but also to age.

On August 28, 476, the Lzadk Orestest was arrested and killed near Piacenza in present-day Italy. Then, under the command of Odoaker, they marched under Ravenna, besieged the Reds, and on September 4 entered the palace of Csszri.

The German commander-in-chief became the young barracks,

but he immediately deprived him of his rights, forcing the young man to “nknt” formally renounce his power.

Flavius ​​Odoaker, Commander of the Western Auxiliary Troops, Tears Down the Last BarnForrs: Wikimedia Commons

The German leader Flavius ​​Romulus numbered Augustus at Dl-Itli, where he found his lete htralv in a monastery, presumably at Castellum Lucanum, down to the hall in 507 or 511.

After the resignation of Romulus Augustus, the places of the “last air”, the western body stationed in Ibri, also capitulated.

facing the western gtok, and with it, Rma’s army, which accumulates so much glory, has ceased to exist.

A sectional portrait of Romulus Augustus, once made on the basis of rmeForrs: Extra Story

Odoaker sent the chiefs on a mission to Constantinople to the battalion of Eastern Rome, who said that after the fall of Romulus Augustus there was no need for a better emperor, because the empire only needed one group.

Odoaker simply asked Zntl to make him patrician and appoint him governor of Itlia.

Zn csszr also met with the Odoaker Krs and appointed him governor of the Italian provinces.

The golden solidity of the eastern peak Zn flattens out with the portrait of the peakForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Classical Numismatic Group, Inc

This created an interesting public legal situation, since Iulius Nepos, previously recognized by Constantinople, was always formally considered a Western Empire, although his royal power was limited to Dalmatia.

When Nepos died in 480, Zn csszr officially recognized Odoaker as the fully independent leader of Italy.

who at that time faced the king of Itlia (Rex Italiae),

s mg 14 vig when the deputy of the Eastern Csirs ruled the ruins of the Western Empire.

SPQR, or “Holy Roman Day”, the dimension of the Rma of the Middle Ages, which in the Csszroge era, remained an official symbol of the state, until the time of Constantine the Great.Forrs: YouTube

Romulus Augustus abolished the Western Empire with a reprimand,

For this reason, history 479 is considered by history as the end of the ancient world.

However, the spiritism of Roman civilization has not disappeared without a trace, because, as one of the pillars of European culture, it continues to have an impact to this day.

The famous Swiss company Friedrich Drenmatt was also inspired by the history of the children’s club.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Elke Wetzig

The fate of the last Roman ensemble also occupied the spirits and the film industry,

Among others, the famous Swiss film “The Romance of the Great Romulus” by Friedrich Drenmatt and “The Last Wind” by Valerio Massimo Manfredi, a later filmed novel about Romulus Augustus, and the mundane vgrl szl.
