Rétvári: no extensive contact investigation necessary, hygiene protects us, not testing


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Imaginalin published an article a few days ago in which a newspaper reporter wrote that he had volunteered with authorities to help with the contact investigation after a friend became coronavirus but was not treated. In relation to the article, in a letter addressed to János Sándor Pintér, Minister of the Interior, he asked why there was not a comprehensive contact investigation in Hungary, during which the contact persons of the contact persons would be examined.

Bence Rétvári’s response appeared in Magyar Hangon, describing that “coronavirus tests continue to be carried out according to the number of cases and procedures” and the journalist complains that “the medical examinations that he considered ideal were not carried out.” He added that “in the setting of laboratory confirmed infections, contact investigation is always carried out according to professional rules.”

The search for contacts of contacts is also not necessary from an epidemiological or virological point of view.

– he states in Rétvár’s letter. It adds that, if the epidemiological situation justifies it, measures should be taken for the entire population and age groups in the affected area.

It cannot be emphasized enough that it is not the tests that have been carried out that protect us, but compliance with hygiene standards and epidemiological measures, and if we take care of our fellow man.

– said Rétvári.

In Hungary, contacts of confirmed coronavirus cases are screened, but not those that cannot be proven to have found a person with coronavirus. They are only examined if they have very characteristic symptoms. Most European countries screen anyone with the suspicion that it is not necessary to have a contact person, go abroad, or meet other criteria.

Regarding the words of Rétvár, it is worth noting that all experts in epidemiology recommend more and more tests to isolate confirmed infected people. According to the experience of the first wave, Hungary only every 14-15. it can detect a case, which is the exact result of what the Secretary of State also spoke: Hungary is not on the side of the most extensive testing protocol possible. By increasing the number of tests, more infected people could be detected, leaving the home in quarantine at home, avoiding infecting more and more people every day.

Cover image: MTI Photo / Noémi Bruzák
