Restrooms rented to Ivanka Trump’s security guards for $ 3,000 a month


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Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, didn’t want security guards to protect them to use their bathrooms, so the White House spent $ 3,000 a month in taxpayer money, or nearly $ 890,000, in a nearby study for the guards to go there. pisilni.

Ivanka Trump’s 465-square-foot home has more than six bathrooms, but the guards weren’t allowed in any of them if they had to urinate, they had to go to the home of Mike Pence, who lived a mile and a half, or to nearby restaurants, so they needed a place to guard their business.

Since September 2017, more than $ 100,000 has been spent urinating on guards.

According to an official White House statement, these are “false accusations,” as Ivanka Trump’s home was “always open to male and female heroes,” but this has been refuted by guards reporting to the Washington Post.

(Washington Post)
