Resistance: The Performing Arts staff will also join the students.


Students of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts (SZFE) are demanding the replacement of the new board appointed by the Minister of Innovation and ensuring the autonomy of the university, and the employees of the institution have gone on strike and sent their demands to the government.

The students occupying the building of the University of Theater and Film Arts presented their demands on Thursday in a letter to the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, writes MTI, referring to the SZFE press conference.

Others ask Minister László Palkovics to request the resignation of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Cinema, which the university has maintained since 1 September. They also demand the provision of educational and organizational autonomy, the reestablishment of the powers of the Senate, the fullness of the guarantees that previously protected the autonomy of the university, otherwise the conditions for the beginning of education were not met.

The university community does not accept the activities of the patronage designated by the ministry, it considers it illegal.

SZFE Employees Join Students

At a press conference, a representative of the SZFE employees said that the interests of the employees were also harmed by the documents that the new maintainer of the foundation “imposed” on them – the memorandum of association, organizational and operational rules – to join to the fight for autonomy through a strike. In case of failed negotiations, they will go on strike indefinitely from September 21 at the latest, the MTI wrote.

The workers presented their strike demands to the government on September 9. “The Memorandum of Association and SZMSZ imposed on us by the new maintainer of the foundation violate the autonomy of our university to such an extent that it first resulted in the resignation of our leadership and Senate and then our brave students occupied the university in protest. join the fight for autonomy through their means ”, reads the Communication.

University staff require that

  • Guarantee freedom of creation, education and university!
  • Restore the powers of the Senate before the model change!
  • The internal functioning of the university can be determined by the university community in a democratic and self-determined way, through the Senate!
  • The rector, the directors of institutes and the directors of departments of the university can be elected by the university community in a democratic way, through the representation of the Senate.
  • They guarantee that the financial resources of the university will not be reduced!

A five-member strike committee will be delegated to negotiate with the government. The number of people joining the strike is increasing, with 85 joining the first day.

During the foundation’s board of directors, he called back the SZFE leadership, which came in time to resign, to do his job and immediately begin teaching at the university, MTI wrote.
