Republic: the opposition coalition is still stronger than Fidesz-KDNP


In March, support for Fidesz-KDNP fell somewhat again, according to measurements by the Republican Institute. A recent poll published by Telex shows that government parties lost one percentage point to the total population (currently 29%) and party voters (46%).

However, according to the Republic, with the exception of Jobbik, the opposition parties have not been too favorable during the last month either.

DK, Jobbik and Momentum are now face to face, with 9% of the total population. Momentum support was unchanged, DK lost, while Jobbik gained 1 percentage point. The three main opposition parties are followed by the MSZP with 6 percent, and Diálogo, MKKP, LMP and Nuestro País represent 1-1 percent of the total population.

Jobbik strengthened by 2 percentage points among party voters and currently sits at 13 percent in this narrower category. Péter Jakab’s party also managed to increase its support in February, which is why it has been on a path of strengthening for two months.

According to the analysis company, the opposition coalition remains stronger than Fidesz-KDNP among the entire population (35-29 percent) and also among party voters (53-45 percent).
