Rékassy: We have already lost this battle in testing, plus we have lost people for a long time in contact research.


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

“As anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians and nurses have pointed out, the bottleneck in Hungary is not necessarily the number of ventilators and hospital beds, but the lack of human resource capacity,” Balázs Rékassy, ​​MD, told Mfor.hu. Currently, there are around 2,000 intensive care nurses and the same number of doctors in Hungary, so he believes that scheduled and elective surgeries should be stopped, as they did in the spring, according to Rékassy. create adequate living and working conditions.

“If a nurse has to travel far to go to her new job, at least arrange for a taxi to take her in the morning and at night, not have to travel by public transport, or if the tourist accommodation is empty of all modes and there is an airbnb near the hospital, the state for whom, “

-He said. According to him, the rapid increase in the number of people aired 2-3 days ago is a bad sign, just as political leaders, Slovaks and Czechs should introduce austerity measures. The country is testing very little, Rékassy says we cannot do more than 10,000, which is sad because there are private laboratories that could do more, or veterinary laboratories could be deployed on the recommendation of the WHO.

“Given that in battle language we have already failed this battle in testing, plus we have lost contact with research people for a long time, the further increase in the number of cases is evident. If we are in a hurry to take any follow-up action to save the situation, we should now restrict the movement of the population in the same way as in the first wave. ”

He said. While he regards the government’s goal of running the country as important, he believes that in the meantime the conditions must be created to keep the virus under control, and this can only be achieved by reducing the number of human contacts.

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