Recognized and conceited of the support sent to Soros by a right-wing politician after Origo’s article


Zoltán Szotyori-Lázár, a politician from Jobbik in Szolnok, admitted that he financially supported György Soros’s infamous organization Transparency International Hungary through his law firm in 2016. In his mocking writing posted on his community page, He also considered it important to note that, after Origo’s article, he again referred to an organization supported by the American Billion Foundation. It turned out again: Jobbik sold his soul to Soros.

In his post in the early afternoon, the right-wing politician acknowledged Origo’s information that a year after the outbreak of the migration crisis, he had financially supported the national warehouse of György Soros’s international research institute on corruption.

Gábor Vona, godson of the former party president Márton Gyöngyösi, a close friend of the vice president, did not skimp on the laudable tokens: a multi-sided organization linked to the American billionaire called him “normal pumpkin.” In his writings, Lazarus Sotyori ventured to the point that he wrote that the author of the original article should be examined by an expert psychiatrist. After that, it was not surprising that a right-wing politician posing with one of TI’s publications announced that the article

sent another grant to Soros’ corruption investigation organization.

Then he encouraged everyone “from Levedia to Etelköz, from Ópusztaszer to Pilis” to do the same and send their support to Transparencia, which needed it less.

The publication of Transparency International is the night reading of a better politicianSource: Facebook

Origo wrote on Sunday that Jobbik started reaching out to György Soros’s network much earlier in 2016, much earlier than previously thought. We wrote this based on the fact that the Szotyori-Lázár law firm appeared on Transparency International’s annual (national) list of supporters, which was beyond strange at the time.

Although the right-wing politician is trying to trivialize the issue, he does not have an easy task. At that time, his party clearly followed a right-wing policy, at least at the communication level. A good example of this is that in September 2016, the Hungarian Parliament initiated an initiative to stamp Soros organizations promoting migration as an agency model, following the Russian model. Not to mention, according to the latest public benefit report, praised by Sotyori-Lazarus, the vast majority of IT’s revenue comes from abroad. One of its biggest sponsors is the György Soros Foundation, the Open Society Foundation.
