Raising a tent with a day and night guard would prevent the gas from turning off at the MET institutional center run by Gábor Iványi


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Red and white ribbons, a tent and a barricade also known in SZFE are placed in front of the Dankó street institution of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood (MET) led by Gábor Iványi, in order to prevent the state provider of public services cut off the gas.

According to an article on the municipal page of Józsefváros, the MET’s debt is 30 million HUF, while the debt recognized by the state but not paid to the network of institutions is several billion florins. The leaders of the institution providing social programs have been trying for years to reach an agreement on debt settlement.

According to the Népszava article on Saturday morning, civilian protesters also appeared on Dankó Street on Friday to help prevent the shutdown of gas supplies to the Wesley János Pastoral Training College and the Protection Charity Association for the Homeless.

According to the newspaper’s report, the military personnel tried unsuccessfully to take the gas meter, then they said they would return at night, break the asphalt and cut the gas, at which point they organized a guard.

Gábor Iványi admitted that they had accumulated a significant debt, but according to him, the state owed them much more money for which they had been illegally deprived of their ecclesiastical status.

On Friday, András Pikó, mayor of Józsefváros, also visited the place and told the newspaper: “I cannot evaluate what happened in any other way, only as a political confrontation. The action against Iványi Gábulli fits into the series of attacks against the Index, the University of Performing Arts or, for example, Club Radio ”. He also told Népszava that for public services to break the stretch of Dankó Street, the ownership consent of the municipal city management committee is needed, and Pikó does not want to anticipate the decision, but perceives the outrage as less than minimal. . the committee will give its consent.

Pikó posted two letters on his Facebook page on Friday night: one to Miklós Vecsei, the prime minister’s commissioner for social inclusion, and the other to the secretary of state for persecuted Christians, asking for their help in resolving the situation.

“It would have unpredictable consequences if the institutions of the Charitable Protection Association serving the homeless become impossible,” the mayor said. The newspaper article notes that the local government of Józsefváros does not have the financial means to provide assistance, but a collection has been initiated to pay the accumulated debt of public services.

As the municipal newspaper writes, the arrears of HUF 30 million were collected only in the Dankó street institutions and the debt of HUF 100 million in the rural educational and social institutions of Protección. Meanwhile, according to MET members, the state owes them more than 6 billion HUF, as the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg awarded them 3 million euros in damages for removing the church’s church status, and so far only a fraction of this has been paid for by the state.

István Ónodi, economic director of the three relevant institutions maintained by MET, told jozsefvaros.hu that they had been trying for years to have their gas network deducted from the debt of the Hungarian state and therefore not declared insolvent, but while ELMŰ and Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek were open to an individual agreement, the gas supplier was not.

Therefore, from now on, the asphalt surface will be protected by a permanent guard in front of the institution on Dankó Street, which could be closed to cut off the gas. Her demonstration was also reported to the police for sixty days.

At the end of August, it also turned out that the government would withdraw additional support for the Gábor Iványi schools, about which we write in more detail here.

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

