Quail: the government gives goal passes to Christmas


According to the secretary of state, the Orbán government already knows that politics is not about re-educating people.

In the hungarian nation Balázs Fürjes talks at length about the development of the HÉV network, explaining, among other things, saying that

All citizens of Budapest, all districts and all parts of the city are equal.

Motorists too. Therefore, his message, as he clarifies, respectfully suggested Christmas for Gergely, to put an end to the chase of motorists, but it seems to him that the mayor is making the lane closure a matter of prestige.

He does not listen to anyone, he does not speak to anyone. However, the magnitude of leadership also includes the fact that the decision maker sees if they have made a mistake and corrects it. This does not weaken but strengthens a good leader.

The secretary of state of the Orbán government is confident that common sense will finally win the case, and then on the green counterarguments, he says it must be understood, it is not up to politics to decide what is good for the people.

It is not the job of politics to force and re-educate people about lifestyle changes.

According to Fürjes, they learned from the lesson. She cites the example of Sunday’s store lock, which the government removed when it was given to the people to understand, without asking for their charity.

The mayor should see that transport in Budapest should not be organized on the basis of ideologies and dogmas, but on the basis of the Hungarian reality and the needs, requirements, habits and income of the people who live here, without leaving them aside.

The Secretary of State criticizes the mayor’s leadership style, saying he has trouble shutting down, deciding on important issues with the power of milk, and believes that Gergely Karácsony should make his political plans clear because he is “free to break into office. of the prime minister, “but

It would be bad if the mayor did not have time for practical day-to-day work due to his great political ambitions.

Biodom, triple meter – do you attend?

It would be part of that if the increasingly expensive Biodome ended. In the reading of the Secretary of State, the government delivered a goal pass to the local government with state support for investment,

you just have to shoot the ziccert. We are already in extra time and we are just waiting to see what they will do with the florin ball.

According to the Secretary of State

Completing the really useful development of the Biodome is a good time for the mayor to show that the allegations that he is incapable of doing things are not true, he only excels at drilling improvements, saying gender.

According to Fürjes, the renovation of the Chain Bridge is a similar challenge, Christmas can show that it is leading a city to implement better improvements than the government.

This is the time to use foreign international relations, bring foreign companies here, have many quotes and do the job in less time, cheaper, without neglecting the technical content responsibly developed by István Tarlós!

The government will insist that the technical standard is not lowered in any monumental or other way, and will raise a quail hat if Christmas wedges are made faster and cheaper.

Otherwise, someone has to take responsibility for wasted time and unnecessary cost.

For the renovation of Metro 3, the contractor is demanding additional resources, but according to the Secretary of State, it is also just a ziccer, since István Tarlós the account came to be run by the government. The 200 Billion Christmas is also available to Gregory, and if he asks, he will even be given advice on how to protect “the people of Budapest from the cracks of the gross profits of multinational companies.”

Top image: Secretary of State Balázs Fürjes will give a press conference on the development of the North and South HÉV network in the Csepel car park on 9 September. MTI / Illyés Tibor
