Provisional elections in Borsod: many voted until 7 a.m. M.


Increasingly, this has been the case for the past two weeks and has been the case for the next several weeks, the Prime Minister said of the epidemic. Viktor Orbán put it this way, the forecasts have been heard at the end of October and the necessary number of hospital beds is available.
The second wave of the epidemic has clearly entered an ascending phase in Hungary, the national medical director said.
Twenty kindergartens were quarantined in Pécs because a social worker working in one of the institutions tested positive for a new coronavirus.
Imre Kertész was a man of great intellect, who could not be boxed in and there was no doubt that his legacy should be established not in Berlin, but in Budapest, because this is his city – said Viktor Orbán at the inauguration of the Imre Kertész Institute.
Momentum MEP Anna Donáth is “proud” of an informal consultation with Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova every three days, the Justice Minister wrote on Facebook.
According to Judit Varga, in their joint live television debate against “country-world”, Anna Donáth refused to consult closely with Vera Jourova on Hungary, nothing to do with the coordinated attacks against Hungary in Brussels.
Anna Donáth must leave public life, the Justice Minister told Hír TV.
This is another autumn speech by the entire opposition, this is how Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó reacted to the recordings published by the Informator.
According to the recording released on Friday, it is clear that Momentum has failed miserably, said Fidesz’s communications director.
Provisional parliamentary elections are taking place today in Borsod County Constituency No. 6.
Mayor Gergely Karácsony is the Judas activist László Bíró. The first man from Budapest traveled to Szerencs to personally support the openly antisemitic László Bíró.
The left applies a double standard, according to István Hollik, while in 2012 they protested together with Gergely Karácsony against Márton Gyöngyösi anti-Semitic demonstrations, now they support Judas László Judapestező.
Ferenc Koncz’s political work can continue to live better if his daughter, Zsófia Koncz, continues with her work, emphasized the minister in charge of the Prime Minister in her video uploaded to her community page.
Let’s leave our children alone – this is what the communications director of Fidesz has told those who think it is okay for preschoolers to read a fairy tale about gay fairy tale heroes for everyone.
The government has decided to green the public park in Városmajor, said Balázs Fürjes, state secretary responsible for the development of Budapest and the metropolitan agglomeration.
Planning for a total of 3,000 P + R car parks and, for those arriving at the train station by bicycle, at least 2,000 B + R bicycle stores can begin according to the government decision published on Saturday, Balázs Fürjes said.
As of January 1, 2021, the VAT rules will be more favorable, you will have to pay less for new homes – the minister without a portfolio for families on Facebook called attention.
The fight of more than ten years for the Pálinka War of Independence ended with a Hungarian victory, the European Union modified the relevant regulations, so that the elaboration of pálinka can be tax-free again next year, reported the Secretary of State parliamentarian of the Ministry of Finance.
Many immigrants left Greece via the Balkan route; the number of smugglers arrested in Hungary has doubled, said the prime minister’s security chief on M1.
The European Commission ignored the detailed summaries, data and comparative analyzes sent by Hungary in its report on the rule of law, the Justice Minister wrote on Facebook.
The statements by Vera Jourová, Czech Vice President of the European Commission for Securities and Transparency, who criticize Hungary have no effect on Hungarian-Czech relations, Péter Szijjártó told the Czech daily Lidové Noviny.
Worldwide, 37.1 million people were infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1,071,308 deaths and 25.7 million recovered, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
The spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine continues to slow, with 6,000 new infections again on Saturday, nearly 1,000 hospitalized, and more than 100 killed in a single day.
In Romania, the spread of the epidemic has accelerated even more, so that in Bucharest and several other cities, the population has also been alerted to the increased risk of infection through the mobile disaster alert system.
The Czech Republic cannot afford to shut down its economy once again, the Czech head of state said in an interview with the Czech daily Mladá Fronta Dnes.
The number of infected people in the Western Balkan countries is constantly increasing and in recent days more than a thousand new cases have been registered in five states in the region.
In Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia the record for new infections was broken, while in Serbia the number of identified cases rose again to more than 100.
To protect the elderly from the coronavirus epidemic, Poland will reintroduce a purchase time limit for people over the age of 60, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced.
The death toll from the coronavirus in Brazil has exceeded 150,000, said the Latin American country’s health ministry.
More than seven hundred illegal immigrants arrived from the African coast to the Canary Islands on Friday, and there have been no examples of such mass migration to the Atlantic islands in Spain since 2006, local media reported.
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, appeared for the first time in public since he was infected with the coronavirus and was hospitalized.
US President Donald Trump is no longer contagious, said White House physician Sean Conley.
An artillery strike struck Stepanakert, the disputed nationality of Nagorno-Karabakh, despite a ceasefire agreement that went into effect at noon local time on Saturday.
The opposition’s success was due to the partial election of the Senate in the Czech Republic, while the two ruling coalition parties and the communists that supported them failed.
The ceasefire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan on Nagorno-Karabakh came into effect at noon local time on Saturday, but both sides reported before and after that the other was firing in populated areas.
Former President Almazbek Atambayev has been detained by the security forces of Kyrgyzstan, a member of Atambayev’s party, the Russian news agency Inferfax reported.
The Kyrgyz parliament named opposition leader Sadir Zaparov as prime minister on Saturday, ending domestic political turmoil in the Central Asian country since the October 4 elections.
At least eighteen people were killed in clashes between rival ethnic groups in South Sudan, local authorities said.
Two small planes crashed in midair and crashed in France, killing five in the crash.
Large amounts of mineral oil have leaked from an illegal landfill at an industrial site near Troisvierges, Luxembourg, Luxembourg police said.
A car was pedestrianized by a car on the M5 motorway near Kecskemét, the side of the road leading to Szeged was closed at the time of the scene, the Bács-Kiskun County Police Headquarters said.
A minor earthquake was detected Saturday afternoon near Nagykáta in Pest county, said the CSFK GGI Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory.
Austrian Hockey League: Hydro Fehérvár AV19-Dornbirn Bulldogs 4: 5 – after extra time
Women’s volleyball extra league: Vasas Óbuda-Fatum Nyíregyháza 1: 3
