András Domány

The former psychiatric institute will receive a publicly funded high school tuition from the Central European Education Foundation. Another property was also decided: the royal castle will be owned by the University of Gödöllő.

The Central European Education Foundation will receive 18.3 hectares of the area of ​​the former National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, which closed in 2007, according to a proposal by the Legislative Commission preparing for parliamentary votes next week.

The new elite high school will not be subject to the national public education law, but will receive HUF 2 billion for its establishment, using the latest means of public funds rescue, within the framework of a public interest trust fund. The school will be paid, the amount of tuition will be determined by the board of directors of the foundation, which is kept in dollars or euros. At the same time, the bill allows students to be exempt from tuition fees or reduce their tuition fees for social and other justifiable reasons, while the school can also operate scholarship programs.

The original government proposal did not refer to the location, the transfer of the area in the former Lipótmező was initiated by the legislative committee headed by Csaba Hende. Their proposals are almost always accepted by the plenary.

In the case of another property, however, the board upheld the economic committee’s decision: Wenckheim Castle in Szabadkígyós will not be handed over to the Mezőhegyes stud farm supervised by János Lázár.

It is striking here that the committee does not provide a justification, although the representative of Fidesz in the district, Tamás Herczeg, justified his own amendment very strongly: Minister Andrea Mager presented the proposal “without consulting the elected municipal leaders and the organizations non-governmental organizations involved in settlement development. ” , and here “community planning, social consultation is needed.” The committee’s decision shows that Tamás Herczeg, who is also the president of Fidesz County, was able to carry out his will.

The Legislative Committee also proposes amendments to the bills on the transformation of the Pannonian University of Veszprém and the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences into the private foundation of the Szent István University in Gödöllő. The people of Veszprém will receive the state share of the Nereus Park Hotel in Balatonalmádi, and the Gödöllő institution, which also includes the University of Kaposvár, will receive 84.2% of the Royal Castle Public Nonprofit Ltd., along with the park and school of horse riding.

Parliament will meet for the last time this week, and a total of 42 laws are expected to vote.

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Not for middle-income families: this is how the private public school in Debrecen was delivered

István Balla
Life + Style

56 children started the new school year in a very special environment in Debrecen, where on Friday they delivered an international school built with state money, but only available for millionaire tuition. Among others, Minister Gulyás, MP Kósa and Mayor Papp spoke at the inauguration of the ceremonial school; Fortunately, the children did not have to listen to the speeches of the day.

Tuition fees calculated in dollars or euros will be at the NER's new elite school from public funds

Yvette Szabo

This institution does not have to deal with the shackles of the Public Education Law, but it already receives 2 billion HUF for its creation, using the latest means of rescue of public funds, within the framework of a public trust fund.