Police said dozens of people were in a restaurant after 8 p.m., so it was closed.

On Friday, the police closed a pub called Centro in Madách Square for 60 days and fined them 500,000 florins, claiming they had violated epidemiological regulations by serving those on the street with alcohol. The operators of the place say they have announced a takeaway campaign. In a statement, police say a violation report has been filed against three guests inside.

Another nearby restaurant was closed for 30 days, as after 8 p.m. there were dozens of people inside who were not employees of the store. The operator was fined and a violation report was filed against 33 people.

In neither case did the police say what the name of the place was; in the case of the Center, the operators informed the public.

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Recently even Gulyás and Guller talked about the summer opening, now it's called a nightmare.


The Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association withdrew information that predicted a Pentecostal openness in tourism because the government called it a nightmare. Before that, however, the head of the Hungarian Tourism Agency and the minister who heads the Prime Minister’s Office also spoke about the relaunch of the sector in the summer.

He had already had enough government promises for a pub, so he was thinking of opening one, but was warned not to.


According to the Hungarian Association of the Restoration Industry, the legislation should not be violated, even if the government provides very little support.