Princess Charlotte was born – World Star


In the spring, Prince William and Princess Catherine can celebrate various things, the birthday of their third child, Lajos, is April 23, and the boy’s second birthday could be celebrated last week. Their wedding anniversary is celebrated on April 29, and this year they have been able to toast for the ninth time. His daughter, Charlotte He also saw the light of day at this time of day, and today is about that.

Princess Charlotte turned five

The little princess was born on May 2, 2015, so today she can celebrate her fifth birthday. The princely couple also greeted him on the Instagram page of Kensington Palace on the occasion of the great day. His mother, as always, took good photos of him now. The princess took new photos in April this year, the day the entire family delivered prepackaged food to older people living in her area. With this kind gesture, they tried to facilitate the lives of the beauties in quarantine.

As her siblings Charlotte grow well and their interests grow, Princess Catherine told me at an event in March 2020 that the girl is a hectic, royal girl, an athletic figure, who often practices gypsy cycling and handshaking.

In our compilation you can see photos of the princess birthday Charlotte.
