Princess Catherine made a ciki buck – fans saw it right away – World Star


Princess catherine and Prince William departed by train on Sunday evening to thank various frontline individuals and organizations in various cities in England, as well as Scotland and Wales, who help many communities every day, even during a coronavirus pandemic. .

Before leaving, they met with various staff members at London’s Euston station and exchanged a few words about how they managed this year despite difficult circumstances. The princely couple even left a nice message on the station, but Katalin accidentally spelled a word that fans immediately saw.

Katalin hercegné ciki bakija

On the white board at the train station, Katalin wrote a short thank you to the public transport workers, who continued to work despite the difficult period, and wished them happy holidays with Vilmos. Then she managed to make a graceful mistake, she spelled the word country in her sentence, that is, in English, accidentally omitting the letter N. Click the white arrow to the right of the Instagram post to see how the princess and the prince wrote on the blackboard.

Of course, this is not a big mistake, in fact, maybe there is no one who does not spell a word sometimes, but the commenters immediately caught the mistake. One user put it this way: “It was a very nice gesture from both of them. Right, the country spelled the word! However, they are very cute because they thought of the workers,” he wrote.

There were those who praised how well Catherine writes, “her handwriting is as graceful as the princess herself!”

Many are surprised that Prince William is left-handed, which is still a rarity in the world to this day, and about ten percent of people write with this hand: “Well, I’m going to show this photo to my son is the only left-handed man in the family. that the future king of England will also write with his left hand! “wrote a fan.

Katalin was so pretty on the first day of the tour.

In our compilation you can see how beautiful Katalin was in her blue coat on the first day of the tour.
