Presidential election hair has turned into madness pumped on steroids


Trump returned from the hospital to the White House, ushering in a week that will be talked about for decades to come.

The running joke this year is that so much is happening Donald trump under his presidency that in decades history students will not specialize in early American history in the early 21st century, but only for a month in 2020. However, the hair of the presidential election is already shedding major events at a rate So crazy that so much is happening in a week or a day that you can even hold separate semesters at colleges.

The madness began on October 1, when it was announced that Trump was infected with the coronavirus and was taken to the hospital the next day, where he received oxygen, was treated with a drug in an experimental stage and also received a steroid.

Trump was released from the hospital last Monday, and the president returned to the White House with a propaganda video reminiscent of many dictatorships, where, standing on the balcony, he significantly removed his mask to show that he was fully healed and ready. to work.


However, the optimism of the White House was significantly undermined by the fact that the president was visibly struggling to breathe after removing his mask.

During his illness, no one could find out exactly what state of health Trump was in. In any case, there was a lot of silence on his Twitter page, suggesting that the president was unwell. That changed on Monday and Tuesday, when he even began posting messages on the social site at an unusually fast rate, raising the possibility that the fiery “Twitter storm” was due to the effects of steroids.

The biggest problem that has worried the American press for most of the week is that it is not possible to know when Trump had his last negative Covid test. The issue is important because previous reports from the White House said that the president was tested for the virus every day and it was suggested that he had become infected in the days before the announcement, as his symptoms became suspiciously severe compared to get the virus only on Thursday.

The fact that the White House refused to betray when Trump had his last negative test raised suspicions in many that Trump may have tested positive for days, only that it was not made public, trusting that he would be asymptomatic and that his infection could be hidden. . According to a widely accepted conspiracy theory, the president already knew he was positive when he attended September 29. Joe biden in a debate with a Democratic presidential candidate and may have deliberately wanted to infect him. The discussion came late, so it was not tested on the spot.

It is most likely a version that anonymous government officials told the Washington Post and CNN, among others, that Trump was not tested daily for the virus.

Photo: Olivier DOULIERY / POOL / AFP

Meanwhile, one by one, it turned out that the White House was full of people with coronavirus. At least two dozen, by some estimates, 37 people who worked there or appeared there in recent days had tested positive. They include a Trump spokesperson, several members of the press office, Trump’s campaign manager, several senators and journalists.

Members of the Council of Chiefs of Staff in charge of the US Armed Forces were quarantined after testing positive for the second man from the US Coast Guard. Charles Ray admiral’s coronavirus test. It also turned out that the head of the White House security service has been sick with the coronavirus since September.

Trump: you don’t have to be afraid of Covid

While Republican politicians and activists were confident that Trump would take the virus threat more seriously as a result of the infection, he has yet to convey that message. After being declared cured, he declared that “there is no need to be afraid of Covid”, advised people not to “let it dominate your lives” and also spoke of the virus “disappearing on its own” all of a sudden.

The week also revealed that a second debate between the presidential candidates will be missed after Trump said he was unwilling to participate in a virtual debate, but a personal debate was rendered impossible due to the president’s positive test.

Scandals that got in the way

While the press was concerned about the Trump infection, one thing after another came to light that would otherwise have caused a scandal.

  • Trump was treated with an experimental drug made from an aborted fetus. The Trump administration has previously opposed drug experiments conducted with this method.
  • It turned out that the White House was not at all concerned with tracking who and when was infected at events held in the building. Also, those who met people with a positive test result at the White House were not notified.
  • In an interview, Trump was accused by relatives of US soldiers who fell during the fight to be infected at an event at the White House where epidemiological rules were not followed.
  • The White House has stopped the Epidemiological Authority (CDC) from enforcing the wearing of a mask on public transportation.
  • It turned out that even in the spring, Chief of Staff Trump held a grand wedding for his daughter in Atalanta, Georgia, regardless of local epidemiological rules.
  • Leader of the Republican Group in the Senate, Mitch McConnell He said he had not set foot in the White House since August because epidemiological measures had not been taken seriously there.
  • Trump demanded the imprisonment of his political opponents from the Attorney General. President Barack Obama, Hillary clinton and he wanted to arrest Joe Biden.
  • Mike pompeo The US Secretary of State announced that the emails from Hillary Clinton, which caused a huge scandal even during the 2016 presidential election, will be made public.
  • The FBI arrested six men who, as members of a militia, wanted to kidnap the Democratic governor of Michigan, whom they resented for imposing epidemiological restrictions. Trump had previously asked his supporters to release Michigan. Meanwhile, a local sheriff defended those arrested. Seven other people were arrested because they wanted to attack the state legislature and start a civil war.
  • It turned out that Trump’s Justice Department leadership supported the rule that people arriving as illegal migrants should be deprived of their children, no matter how young, even babies.
  • Meanwhile, The New York Times continued with Trump’s series of tax returns. The week revealed that he allegedly received money illegally from a Las Vegas casino during the 2016 presidential election, and that more than 200 companies, foreign governments and interest groups paid millions of dollars to Trump’s company, followed by favorable political decisions. .

The election is on

Meanwhile, people have already started voting. They vote by letter or take the opportunity to vote early after polling stations have opened a month before Presidential Election Day. Videos on social media show that there are many people taking advantage of these opportunities, which may be bad news for Trump, as high turnout has traditionally been more in favor of Democrats.

The following video was made in Ohio on the first day of early voting:

And this is in another Ohio county:

The situation is similar in Harris County, Texas, which also includes the city of Houston, where cars line up in one place to cast ballot cards.

According to the latest poll data, Biden has a high probability of a presidential election. Trump has fallen drastically not only in national polls, primarily women, the elderly and the suburbs, but also in key states for the presidential election. Internal polls of Republicans, which are often more accurate than public inquiry, show that even in states that are confident that Republicans, Biden is close to Trump.

Trump is now trying to stop Biden from winning by campaigning aggressively. Axios said campaign events would be held for every day through presidential election day, but several members of his staff said it was cause for concern. As one of them told the newspaper:

He will commit suicide.

Featured Image: Jeff Swensen / Getty Images
