President of Samsung dies


Samsung president died at the age of 78 Li Kun Hello The South Korean giant announced on Sunday. According to the group, Li had a family with him, including his son, a vice president of Samsung, who has run the company for years. Li Dzse Jong is.

Lin played a key role in turning his father’s pulp mill into one of the largest companies in South Korea, which now dominates the insurance and construction sectors, from the electronics market to shipbuilding.

Li Kun Hi has been in the hospital for six years since he suffered a heart attack. In announcing his death, the company wrote about him as a true visionary who created a world-class innovative company and one of the driving forces of the economy from a local business. “His legacy is eternal,” Samsung underlined in a statement.

Li leaves a large fortune to his heirs. Forbes estimates in 2017 that Li’s legacy could reach $ 16 billion.

Featured image: Jung Yeon / AFP
