Positive experiences, professional organization, less fear after vaccine administration.


On December 26, the use of the Pfizer and Biontech vaccines began in Hungary, which will be delivered to healthcare workers in the first instance on the basis of a serious vaccination plan. Several employees of the National Institute of Cardiology György Gottsegen requested the vaccination, so they have already received the first vaccine at the vaccination point assigned to them, in the Central South Pest Hospital. According to Nursing Director Judit Polaneczky, the positive post-vaccination experience increasingly dispels fears about vaccines.

Judit Polaneczky, director of nursing at the György Gottsegen National Institute of Cardiology, was vaccinated on Monday. The organization at the vaccination point was professional, everything went to the fleet, for which I am very grateful to the hospital staff. the expert told Bors.

“The vaccine had to be requested in advance, which was received for the first time by 250 of my co-workers with me. I am a therapeutic phase assistant, they have also classified me in this group,” said the manager, who may be next to the patient’s bed at any time as the nursing director.

Almost no one has reported side effects since the vaccine was administered, nor did the director experience anything unusual.

A South Pest Central Hospital employee will receive the coronavirus vaccine on December 27, 2020Source: MTI / Zoltán Balogh

The vaccination itself was a few moments long and it didn’t hurt at all, I didn’t even feel it. Later, I didn’t feel any side effects, nor did it produce any covid symptoms. After about 24 hours, he seemed to feel minimal local muscle pain, but this is completely natural with vaccines. Our staff also did not report more severe symptoms, so even the most insecure colleagues are getting braver. The emails come almost precisely, but they want to get vaccinated, ”Judit Polaneczky told Bors.

When the virus was first heard, the director was confident that Hungary would prevent the epidemic.

“I didn’t think I could get here either. When I first heard about the case in Hungary, I was very scared. I was afraid of where all this would develop, if there would be a cure, a vaccine. As a health worker, I worked in a intensive care unit for 34 years, so I’m not very scared of anything, but that feeling scared me, ”said the director.

At the György Gottsegen Institute of Cardiology, cardiac patients are treated, so even more emphasis had to be placed on protection, as heart disease can even be fatal.
