Police unions say they may be dismantled en masse after emergency lifts


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Due to a lot of work and little money, mass disarmament could begin in the police force after the end of the emergency, warned the head of the employees’ side of the Internal Affairs Conciliation Council. Paul Powell told People’s Word that the police have been unable to resign since early April, under the special legal order. According to the Secretary General of the Independent Police Union, Géza Pongó, his work has become more difficult since the emergency declaration, and

They can work up to 60 hours without being considered overtime, which means they are given money or a day off for it.

Several defense organizations have written to the Minister of the Interior and the Secretary of State for Administration of the Ministry of the Interior in recent weeks so that at least the police officers most exposed to the coronavirus are allowed or 14 days off, but Secretary of State László Felkai has rejected the requests. According to the head of the employees’ side of the Home Affairs Conciliation Council

“In addition to the uneven distribution of protective gear, it is almost a miracle that only a few police officers and a city captain have been infected in the past few weeks.”

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