Police investigate why someone flooded the national query page with fictitious data with a robot


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NISZ Zrt., Which operates the website of the last national consultation, detected a massive filling of some identical IP addresses. A man has posted several videos on how he answers questions with fictitious data using an autocomplete program, writes police.hu.

The Cyber ​​Crimes Division of the National Reserve Police Investigation Office (KR NNI) is investigating alleged breaches of an information or data system on the basis of reports.

During the process, cyber investigators identified the identity of the person who uploaded the videos, conducted a house search with him and seized the man’s IT equipment.

Telex writes that in September, an independent representative, Ákos Hadházy, shared the Youtube profile of a user named Nerbot, with several hours of screenshots of a program that flooded the system with thousands of false data. Nerbot then told the newspaper that if the developers had done a good job, the plugin he created would not have worked. Said it wasn’t about hacking, the query side just lacked the usual bar filtering protection, reCaptcha.

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