Police broke into a flat in Brussels on Friday night without a search warrant


The new coronavirus infection was detected in 6,635 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 231,844. Most of the 182 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths to 5,324.
As a result of the massive coronavirus tests that began last week, Hungary had the fifth highest number of tests per million people in the EU average, Minister Gergely Gulyás said.
There may be special rules on Christmas and New Year’s Eve due to the coronavirus epidemic, said the minister in charge of the prime minister’s office for government information.
Gergely Gulyás said: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will consult with virologists, researchers and experts, after which a decision will be made on further measures.
Experts say the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic is expected to peak in December, said national official Cecília Müllel.
There is no shortage of capacity, technical or protective equipment in health institutions that hinders defense, said Zsolt Halmosi, the hospital’s national commander-in-chief, at the meeting of the National Defense and Law Enforcement Committee.
Municipalities in large rural cities will continue to support those involved in controlling the coronavirus epidemic, as well as the population, and mitigating the economic impact of the epidemic. Donations are also being collected in various places to help those in need.
The current crisis was not caused by the Hungarian people, so left-wing local governments cannot be allowed to pay the price, said István Hollik, communications director at Fidesz.
Those who have benefited from a family housing allowance can also apply for support for home renovation, said the minister without a portfolio for families.
Katalin Novák recalled: Starting in January, the government will reimburse half of the home renovation costs for families raising at least one child, up to a maximum of three million guilders.
Home creation and renovation programs starting next year are expected to provide a lasting order for both Hungarian building materials manufacturers and construction companies, the Hungarian Building Materials and Products Association said.
Partnership and finding a common solution can help us find a way out of poverty, said Victor Katalin Langerné, Undersecretary of State for Social Inclusion at the Ministry of the Interior, at the Hungarian National Roma Platform conference.
The amount of national spending on R&D has increased for years, last year exceeded all previous values, 702 billion HUF was used in this area, which is more than double the number in 2010, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology said.
If someone wants to send a package for Christmas, they must do so no later than December 18, so that the shipment reaches the recipient on December 24, said Ildikó Panulin, a spokesman for Magyar Posta.
In early December, before Saturday, those affected will receive benefits and pensions similar to pensions, the prime minister said.
In the coming years, 5G technology may make a net contribution of HUF 826 billion to the Hungarian economy, significantly supporting reconstruction after the coronavirus crisis, according to research commissioned by Ericsson.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó, has reached an agreement with the leaders of Schneider Electric on the expansion of the factories of the French electronics company in Hungary.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received Alexei Likhachov, general director of the Russian state nuclear energy group Roszatom, at the Carmelite Monastery.
It was stated in the consultation: the new units of the Paks nuclear power plant comply with the standards and safety requirements of Hungary and the European Union.
The concept of a secret service that violated Hungarian interests could have been based on the house party in which József Szájer also participated, László Földi said on our show Hungary Live.
According to the expert, although the big secret services allied with Hungary are well aware of the activities of those working in Brussels, they did not inform the Hungarian authorities about the MEP who has since resigned.
A person working in the vicinity of the President of the European Commission also attended the party in Brussels. In addition to Ursula von der Leyen’s staff, a high-ranking Russian and Estonian diplomat was also present.
Despite all the promises, Hungarians from Transcarpathia are constantly intimidated in Ukraine, Péter Szijjártó said after the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Worldwide, 64.5 million people have been infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1.5 million deaths and 41.5 million deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
The spread of the coronavirus infection in Ukraine continued to accelerate, with almost 14.5 thousand new patients registered in one day.
Life has significantly returned to normal in the Czech Republic following the entry into force of a previous government decision to ease restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus epidemic.
In Germany, the restrictions imposed due to the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic will last until January 10, it was announced in Berlin.
Ski resorts can be opened in Switzerland and Austria, but only for domestic tourists. In France, the ski slopes will be closed until the second half of January and the government will not support foreign roads either.
The French government is quarantining returnees from skiing abroad for seven days during the end of the year holidays, Prime Minister Jean Castex said.
In Russia, the number of newly detected infections exceeded 28,000. The number of active cases increased by 474,000 and the number of deaths by 554 to 41,000.
The highest number of coronavirus deaths per day in the United States has risen since April, with more than 2,700 people dying from Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, according to Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev moved the Victory Day two days earlier, from November 10 to 8, by facing Ataturk Memorial Day, which is celebrated in Turkey.
The Armenian government is providing tens of thousands of dollars in social assistance to the families of those killed in the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing died at the age of ninety-four. The politician was hospitalized for heart failure in November, according to a statement issued by his foundation, and died of a complication of the coronavirus.
A fire broke out in a Moscow hospital under renovation, killing two people. For vaccination, 27 fire trucks and 88 firefighters were sent to a medical center in the center of the Russian capital.
46 border rapists were found in a van driven by a Turk in Szeged.
Hassan F., a Syrian, former soldier of the Islamic State, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance by the Metropolitan Court for crimes against humanity. The defendant can be paroled after a minimum of thirty years.
The General Court of Balassagyarmat sentenced the woman who killed her newborn son in Pásztó on January 1, 2018 to thirteen-year prison.
A crime against a minor, human trafficking and the use of child prostitution have been prosecuted against a brother and sister in the capital, the capital’s attorney general said.
Police took action against 243 people in one day for ignoring the obligation to wear a mask, said Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss.
Budaörs was eliminated by France’s Metz 3-0 in the first round of the Women’s Table Tennis Champions League in Linz.
Although the Hungarian men’s beach soccer team is ranked 41st in the world and 15th in Europe, the sport remains threatened with extinction due to the economic consequences of the coronavirus epidemic.
