Playing ball is a daily routine for András Törőcsik, who is now 65 years old.


The ball still makes the old Újpest audience favorites and most Hungarian football fans happy: András Törőcsik is 65 years old on Friday.

András Törőcsik, who also attended the 1982 World Cup, is now 65 years old.


András Törőcsik is 65 years old!

Not only Újpest fans, perhaps even many Ferencváros printers know exactly that the first day of May is the former striker’s birthday. András Törőcsik was in the purple white jersey six times on the championship podium, three times the champion, three times the cup winner, 45 times on the national team, due to his fantastic tricks, he was one of the spectators, if not your biggest favorite.

For years, though, the biggest question about Breaker has been: how are you?

His illness has been the most listened to in recent years. He had a stroke ten years ago and had to undergo brain surgery that saved his life for more than five years, but at that time he could only lie down, but under the supervision of a sports masseuse and exercise coach, István Pintér, his condition improved greatly. The specialist physically and mentally trained the former soccer star, who improved so much day by day that he was able to get out of bed and then start moving, the slow walk was replaced by jogging after many months of hard work …

“Until March we played ball for the Financial Guard He said István Pintér. – We removed Andris from the Hungarian Army Medical Center and were able to move around on the soccer field. Jogging and playing balls became a daily routine, followed by lunch, to which we pay close attention: Andris needs to get stronger, so we put together a high-calorie diet. Bread, bacon, onion: you could see how much it had been developed and strengthened in recent years. In the afternoon we moved to the gym, threw a medical ball, climbed a grooved wall … “

However, the epidemic situation rewritten everything: there is a ban on visiting, András Törőcsik was trapped within the walls of the hospital.

“We can’t meet now, but we brought him a cake and he was greeted at the hospital He said Éva Törőcsik, Andras’s sister. – Unfortunately, it is sad that training, outdoor exercise is not possible now, but thanks for your interest: Andris is fine. We hope that this madness ends as soon as possible and that you can go back to the soccer field, that is what you want the most ”.

Breaker danced: goal in the 6-0 match against Bolivia (Photo: Imago Images)
