Pino murder: this is what Tamás Gyárfás told the judge this Tuesday


I did not entrust Péter Tasnádi or Tamás Portik with the murder of János Fenyő – said the media entrepreneur Tamás Gyárfás, sports director, the first accused of the murder of Fenyő in the criminal trial on Tuesday, in the Metropolitan Court.

The media entrepreneur János Fenyő was assassinated in 1998 in Budapest by Jozef Rohác, who is serving his last sentence for this reason. In the current process, the prosecution accuses Tamás Gyárfás of entrusting Tamás Portik and Péter Tasnádi with the murder of János Fenyő, who has since been convicted in other cases.

According to the prosecution, Portik also organized the murder, hired Jozef Rohác. According to the indictment, in the 1990s a commercial and conciliatory dispute and a power struggle broke out between János Fenyő and Tamás Gyárfás over RTV Újság, Nap TV and other issues. Lawsuits were initiated, the parties publicly threatened each other, János Fenyő tried to collect incriminating data on Gyárfás and wrote expiring articles about him in Népszava.

According to the prosecution, Gyárfás decided to kill his rival, Péter Tasnádi, with János Fenyő for 12 million florins. Tasnádi received six million of this, but did not comply with the request. According to the prosecution, he then went to Tamás Gyárfás Portik to kill János Fenyő.

At the hearing on Tuesday, Tamás Gyárfás was asked about his relationship with Péter Tasnádi on the basis of sound recordings recorded by Tamás Portik. When asked by the court whether he was afraid of Péter Tasnádi, Tamás Gyárfás replied that he was not. When asked by the court why Tamás Portik told him in 2004 that he was “kicked out of the water”, if he thought Tasnádi would be released from prison and find him, Tamás Gyárfás said that he was not afraid that Tasnádi would use violence against him, Rather, he was afraid that he would “get involved” in the murder of János Fenyő – Gyárfás’s confession is cited by the MTI.

In this regard, he said: Tasnádi released him from prison in 2003 and said that Lajos Kovács, the former chief investigator of the case, wanted to persuade him to testify against him in the Pine case. When asked why a police officer wanted to persuade Tasnád to testify against Gyárfás, Gyárfás said that he had inadvertently misinformed Lajos Kovács about a date on Nap TV, leading the detective to think he might be behind the crime. . Furthermore, his underworld relationships and his financial situation spoke against him.

When asked why he did not report Lajos Kovács or Tasnádi and why he did not use the media to clarify himself, he replied that he was ashamed that his name was linked to the Pine case at all, and that he had never abused he had the opportunity to do a public show.

He added that, furthermore, he had no evidence that the police really wanted to persuade Tasnádi to testify. He said police soon “threw” his name into the public consciousness about the murder, and this “came to the fore” in the underworld, and Tasnádi and Portik also saw an “opportunity” to “register” the case.

Regarding the confession of his ex-wife Péter Tasnádi, Tamás Gyárfás said that the woman first protected Tasnádi, and then when their relationship deteriorated to harm her ex-husband, the woman confessed that Tasnádi had received an order to kill János Fenyő from Gyárfás.

Tamás Gyárfás also spoke that, as a result of a misunderstanding, the urban rumor spread in 1997, that Tasnádi had been ordered to kill János Fenyő, and that Tasnádi “liked the thing” because he managed to keep his “nimbus of Godfather”. But when the police began to take the opportunity seriously, Tasnádi had already said that he had only “shot down” Gyárfás, who was “a fool”.

The court asked why Gyárfás had a conflict-free relationship with Tasnádi, who also brought him a significant amount of money with the advertisements, why Tasnádi claimed to have received an order from Gyárfás to murder. About the fact that Tamás Gyárfás gave ten million florins to Tasnádi, who had just been released from prison, Gyárfás gave several explanations during the process, he kept them at the hearing on Tuesday, including the fact that Tasnádi blackmailed him, it scared him, “knocked him down,” but also said he gave money because “peace is better” and that he feared Tasnádi would make a false confession, implicating him in the Pine affair.

As for the money, he said that no document had been written about it, although he “had no illusions” about whether Tasnádi would return it. The trial will continue on Thursday.
