Péter Szijjártó cuts criticism of the Democratic presidential candidate on Hungary with the scandals of Biden’s son


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Péter Szijjártó recalled that under the presidency of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, as vice president, had been working hard on central European issues for eight years, and is now a Democratic presidential candidate in the US elections in a few weeks.

He stressed that during the term of the Democrats, the Central European countries were educated and constantly attacked by the American side. “We Hungarians feel everything on our own skin,” said the head of the ministry, citing as an example the attacks that accompanied the adoption of the Hungarian constitution, as well as the disinterested neglect of the “participation of the leaders of the US embassy in the protests in Budapest against the government “. fixed up “.

We must also remember the extremely politically biased views that were expressed in support of the Hungarian opposition and the attack on the Hungarian government, he added. Peter Szijjártó recalled that Joe Biden was very concerned about Ukraine during this period, “there was a period in his vice presidency when he went to Ukraine with a bit of an exaggeration than to rural America outside of Washington.”

“This was the period in which his son, not being a director of one of Ukraine’s leading energy companies,” he said, underlining that during this period there were highly suspicious corruption cases in Ukraine’s energy sector.

He stressed that now Joe Biden had taken Central Europe by mouth again and had made completely unfair and unworthy accusations against Hungary and Poland at a campaign event. We also reported on the Biden rally:

According to Péter Szijjártó, it would be good if Joe Biden, before starting to deal with Central Europe again, responded to the role of his son in the corruption cases that occurred in the Ukrainian energy sector.

The minister said they were also waiting for an answer on how Joe Biden had used his political influence to make his son and the company he ran profitable; why he pressured the government and state of Ukraine to remove the Attorney General of Ukraine, how this dismissal had to do with the total cessation of investigations into the energy deals of Joe Biden’s son.

Joe Biden currently leads confidently in the polls, currently has a better chance of winning The Hungarian government has good relations with Republican President Donald Trump, but under Barack Obama, when he was Vice President Joe Biden, relations between the two countries were not good. Due to the statements of Biden and the Hungarian government, we can conclude that in the event of a democratic victory, the relationship between the United States and Hungary would change. In economic terms, by the way, it is not certain that the re-election of Trump will benefit Hungary, because Hungary would feel the possible trade war aspirations of the president.
