Peter Szijjártó asked Joe Bident to clarify his corruption cases


The coronavirus and the fight against it. The situation at home and in the world.

Péter Szijjártó sent a video message to Joe Biden, a Democratic challenger to Donald Trump, urging him to answer questions about corruption cases before dealing with Hungary.

The foreign minister reacted to the fact that Biden criticized the president’s foreign policy and classified Hungary as one of the authoritarian regimes. He said exactly:

“Now we find ourselves in a situation where our president has spoken to Vladimir Putin six times, but has not had a single bad word for him. NATO is in danger of disintegrating because its members are not sure they can count on us. And we see everything that has happened from Belarus, through Poland and Hungary, that authoritarian regimes are re-emerging in the world and our president is embracing these villains. They became best friends with the North Korean leader, with whom they exchanged love letters.

According to Szijjártó, Biden’s accusations are unjust and unworthy. And it would be good if Biden answered what role his son played in cases of alleged corruption in Ukraine’s energy sector when he was the director of an energy company there.

The Hungarian Secretary of State is also awaiting a response from the US presidential candidate that

  • how he used his political influence for the profitability of his son and the company he ran,
  • why he lobbied the government and state of Ukraine to remove the Attorney General of Ukraine, and
  • what this measure had to do with the total cessation of investigations into Joe Biden’s son’s energy business.

We wrote in detail about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine last December. Hunter Biden joined the board of directors of a company suspected of corruption by an alleged oligarch when his father was only in charge of American politics in the United States government.

Donald Trump did everything he could to obtain incriminating evidence in the case against Biden, without success. This week the hawking New York Post promised to reveal “Biden’s Secret Emails,” but the story is so suspicious that the mainstream press only picked it up after Facebook and Twitter restricted its distribution.

When it was revealed in August that Péter Szijjártó had spent his vacation in Croatia on the luxury yacht of one of the government’s favorite big businessmen, László Sjjj, he did not answer any questions about it, only describing it as a private matter.

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