Péter Szijjártó also took the cross water from Guy Verhofstadt


05/12/2020. 12:55

The Belgian tooth fairy barely puts in the window what he received from the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

In a post posted on his Facebook page on Tuesday, Péter Szijjártó replied that the representative compared the Hungarian coronavirus law to Hitler’s empowerment law in an article written for Project Syndicate.

According to the chancellor, Guy Verhofstadt has shown in recent years that he is not fit for any kind of educated debate.

Just look at some of his uncontrolled screams in the European Parliament

– written by.

He said:

None of the key figures in the Soros Plan, none of the leaders of the international liberal current, have lied to themselves: they have joined the Sunyin Nazi camp.

Péter Szijjártó stated that since Guy Verhofstadt is not on the Hungarian electoral roll, it does not matter at all what he thinks of Hungarian law.

Only Hungarians matter to us, we protect their health and work, what Guy Verhofstadt says

The first man of Hungarian diplomacy wrote.
