Péter Márki-Zay asked Máté Kocsis for his phone number in the fortune market


However, they don’t seem to want to discourage the same.

Péter Márki-Zay he asked me for my phone number at the lucky market this morning while With Zsófi Koncz we campaigned. He said, then he would call ”, writes the leader of the Fidesz faction, Maté Kocsis on Facebook.

In his post, Kocsis urges the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely to just call him, “because I would definitely ask him once Koncz Feri how he was able to reconcile the tragic death of my friend with the concept of “luck.” He had previously said that it was just a joke with the City of Fortune, but that was not acceptable. An apology would be the least. And perhaps you could also answer why you are campaigning for a To judge László, which did not pay the little seamstresses with EU money. Shame.”

Márki-Zay told Népszava that she had been looking for Máté Kocsis for two years, who then refused to talk. Now she thinks that what happened is a fair gesture, but at the same time she is saddened that “I made a campaign publication, since it would have been more dignified to wait for the phone call and possibly help Hódmez<2MASCULINE>vásárhely.”

The mayor would like to negotiate a fidesz with roots in Hódmezővásárhely on a housing rental problem in the city, which he says needs the support of the government.

Péter Márki-Zay asked me for my phone number this morning at the lucky market while we were campaigning with Zsófi Koncz. ME…

Posted by Máté Kocsis – Saturday, October 3, 2020
