“Personalized disinfectable toilet” was the trash can in which the patient of Korányi was forced to bathe, according to ÁEEK


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In no communication did the State Health Care Center respond to disclosure article 444. Based on statements, photos, videos, and information confirmed by various sources, we wrote Monday that there were no regular restrooms or bath facilities in the patient isolation room. waiting for the coronavirus test at the Korányi Hospital, just a cold-water wall-mounted sink, so there was a patient who was forced to stand in the trash to bathe for 4 days.

We have presented a specific case in detail, but we know from an independent source that patients have been forced to remain in a dilapidated facility for weeks in such conditions, awaiting the results of their tests.

The announcement from the State Health Center begins with a final statement:

“It is not true that someone should bathe in the Korányi Hospital in the garbage, in cold water.”

In the following sentence, it is worth noting that the word “running water” is used instead of “warm water”. A prayer after being denied a cold water bath

“In the room that doesn’t have a separate bathroom, there’s also running water and laundry.”

And now comes the key message of communication:

“To protect patients, they also get a personally sanitizable sink next to the wall-mounted sink for washing.”

Therefore, the AEO claims that the patient, who told 444 and presented the situation with a few photos and videos, did not bathe in a sink but in a sink for days.

According to ÁEEK, this is a sink, not a trash can:

The patient who reported to our newspaper, as you can read in Monday’s article, was referred to Korányi on the previous Friday, May 8. He posted a Facebook post almost immediately after occupying the room, at 1:15 p.m., which was a photo of a corner of the room. In the corner is the end of a hospital bed, a small mobile bathroom, and a “custom sink.” To which, or not, the hospital staff tugged at the plastic trash bag like it was a trash can.

In one of the videos, which is also embedded in our Monday article, the patient shows the entire room together with his equipment, starting from the window. It also shows that there are no other objects in the room that can be washed in any way.

Because of this, there is no possible misunderstanding, AEEK certainly called this object, including the garbage bag, a sink.

Accordingly, it is a sink that also has a lid, like a trash can, the first of the sinks. The top of the sink can be seen in the video above and in this photo, for example:

The Communication has two other substantive statements in the following two sentences:

“In the bathroom, if the patient’s condition requires it, of course, the subordinate nurses will help with the appropriate protective equipment. Each room will be equipped with a separate mobile toilet, with adequate cleaning products, and the rooms will be cleaned daily” .

Surely our patient received no help, although he did not even claim to have asked for it. And his room was not cleaned or taken out of the trash between Friday, May 8 and Friday, May 11 in the morning, which he confirmed with photographs.

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