Perhaps rats did not spread plague in the Middle Ages


Recent research has shown that the pest spread too quickly for only rats to spread according to accepted opinion. It is no coincidence that the most devastating European law was dubbed the “Black Room” in the 14th century: between 1347 and 1351, the plague took at least 30-60 soldiers from Europe, with a total of 75-200 million casualties today . On the other hand, a good study shows that the thief is not kept by resistant rats but by humans, but it is important to keep in mind that a good coronary artery is not like a plague.

Sixty sections of the population could have been lost

The plague, known as the Black Room, ranged from 1346 to 1353 in devastated Europe. However, with the impressive name, knowledge was only a few centuries shorter, which may be the result of a flrefordts, since the Latin “attract“sz pp g and may denote” wing “as” black “.

However, contemporaries and correspondence present immediate destruction, uncertainty, and questions of law.

Francesco Petrarca, one of Italy’s most recognized prehumanists, also suggested that he would not believe what was happening.

Idsb Pieter Brueghel The triumph of the room cm plague paintingForrs: Wikimedia / Mueso del Prado

, a happy journey, that will not experience such mosques and will consider our testimony as fabulous “Petrarch said that all the Florentines could do was bury the bodies every morning in the caves the night before, often one on top of the other.

Petrarct was also personally plagued by the plague: his love died of the diseaseForrs: Wikimedia Commons / http: //

In an exceptional situation, 60 people in Florence have died of plague in just a few months, and the same rate has probably been experienced in other European settlements.

Plague was one of the most common and significant diseases in medieval and early Europe, which has repeatedly spread throughout the continent.

It is easy to operate today

In the most common approach, the black room was the destruction of bubpestis-jrvny, which Yersinia pestiscaused by bacteria. The crocodiles were mainly the intermediate hosts, which were present in large numbers in the contemporary ranks. One of those areas is known today as the “plague pest” or “plague tank.” The crocodile was identified by the Swiss-French physician Alexandre Yersin only in 1894, and in the same year the Japanese bacteriologist Kitaszato Sibaszaburo was able to isolate it.

The ear canal is caused by microscopic examination of the Yersinia pestis bacteria.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons

The investigation passed to a Yersinia pestis Rats grow into fleas, causing a change in the intestines, and when the insect reintroduces the blood drained into the wound, it infects the host.

It usually takes 10 to 14 days for the plague to destroy a large portion of a given rat population, making it difficult for fleas to spend on new farms. – says the scientific history portal History Today. – However, after a sunny “bjt”, hes patknybolhk start looking at people.

Plague Doctors in Typical Mattress System MaskSource: Origo.

From the drip site, the infection leads to the lymph node; in the line of bubpestis they are painfully swollen, hence the nvad bub, appearing mainly on the lips, nails and neck. The infection lurks in mg of chromium for a day before the disease, before the appearance of the characteristics of the skin (fever, diarrhea, heat, redness, black spots).

Attempts have been made to understand the spread patterns of the pest.

According to the more generalized view of the plague, rats were distributed, and the most common means of making these animals was responsible for all the law of 14th century Europe.

Thousands have played a key role in thousands of movies and scientific investigations, such as the transport of contagious and contagious animals between continents.

Rats: poor hygiene has often caused disease in historyForrs: Pinterest

A United States National Academy of Sciences (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), however, according to a study published in a scientific journal, the term “crime” can never be clearly understood. The researchers simulated the focal points and spread of the medieval black room in different European cities to better understand plague spread patterns.

The great law of 1347 took many victims, especially in southern Europe, France, and England.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons

In the simulation, we investigated three possible models of infection: on the one hand, if it spreads through rats, on the other hand, crocodile patterns spread through the air, and third, the movement of fleas and ticks potentially infectious diseases that people carried on their bodies and clothing. When reading the results, the professionals were quite surprised.

Maybe our wall was not on the wall

In the cities studied, fleas and ticks that settled on people’s clothes or bodies spread the infection the most. In simulcik vgn, this pattern proved to be the most accurate model for the rapid spread of plague.

The plague reappeared in London in the 17th century.Source: Wellcome Library, London.

The plague spread rapidly from the Middle Ages to the fact that only rats were the carriers. Nils Stenseth, a professor at the University of Oslo, author of the study for the online History portal, said. “That is why we consider it unrealistic that our wall has spread it across the continent.” It is much more common for crocodiles to spread from person to person, making people listen to a millennium.

To this day, however, it is unclear where the belief that rats spread the plague comes from.

The black area is the part of the flea infested with plague.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

According to the study, “there is little historical and historical evidence for such a subset.”

the Yersina Plague The disease caused by bacteria was incurable until 1894, but today it can be treated well with antibiotics. However, the current legal situation due to a new coronary artery cannot, of course, be compared to the Middle Ages due to the high level of development of medicine.
