Pérez: Orbán’s veto hurts the Hungarians at most


The leaders of the EP factions told the Hungarian prime minister that the concessions cannot be extorted by blackmail.

The European Union cannot be blackmailed!

This is how the Spanish leader of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament reacted to the Popular Word that Viktor Orban veto if the EU budget and recovery fund are linked to the rule of law. Iratxe García Pérez he said,

the prime minister would thus harm Hungarian interests, because the subsidies are mainly used to alleviate the consequences of the pandemic.

According to him, Viktor Orbán would have a hard time explaining to Hungarians why he is giving up significant resources to help businesses and the health system amid the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

Manfred weber, the leader of the European People’s Party, which also hosts Fidesz, in a statement to the dpa news agency, asked Viktor Orbán to accept the compromise on the rule of law, not to try to take EU financial funds hostage .

Don’t play with this!

– sent a message to the Polish Prime Minister, who also opposes the Hungarian and forthcoming legislation.

Népszava recalls that a total of 1,800 million euros in non-reimbursable aid and, to a lesser extent, the start of a loan are at stake. The European Parliament will only accept the EU budget if there are conditions of the rule of law that Hungary and Poland reject.

To paper Margarita Marks A Portuguese MEP, one of the main negotiators in parliament, said that in the next budget cycle, local governments could even benefit from larger direct subsidies from the EU.

We cannot accept that local authorities are disadvantaged because their leaders belong to a different political family than the government.

The Portuguese politician knows that the EU commissioner for money capture also has a solution in his heart.

Top image: Viktor Orbán at the Carmelite Monastery on October 29. MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Benko Vivien Cher
