Pély Brown returned and withdrew immediately


Five of the eight contestants also received a maximum of 40 points on Star’s sixth broadcast.

Curtis, Boldi Horváth, Barbi Opitz, Andi Tóth and Ádám Szabó also impressed the jury on their TV2 show tonight, closing with 40 points, while Miss Mood was at the bottom of the jury list. Here is Andi Tóth’s production:

According to the total points of the race, Miss Mood and Pély Barna were in the place of elimination. Curtis won on race day, he played Horváth Charlie, so he definitely carried on, he didn’t have to worry during the second round of voting. Here’s what the audience and jurors loved:

Pély Brown was significantly transformed:

Opitz Barbi mai külsője:

Csaba Vastag looked like this:

“This game is very sharp, productions are improving. Anyone leaves, it’s a lot of pain … Even in the end, Curtis wins! “- joked Attila Kökény towards the end. yourself.

Miss Mood escapedtv2

In the end, Miss Mood and Pély Barna were excited along with Attila Till, Pély got into a fight, even though their production was perfectly fine. At the end of the show, Curtis was very sad, he got Kozso for the next task, the show will continue next Sunday.
