PDSZ: Government Measures May Soon Lead To Mass School Closures


“Today public education workers have to work in dangerous conditions. In our experience, it is safe to say that there are no conditions for a healthy and safe work ”, reads the resolution of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) sent to our newspaper.

According to the union, if an infected person is found in a public educational institution, those who work at the institution and the students who go there are not automatically screened, so it is not possible to know if someone who is infected but has been asymptomatic may have transmitted the infection.

The protocols used are considered contingent and incomplete and based on feedback received from the PDSZ, testing is generally not ordered even if a proven COVID infection has been found at the institution. Common practice, according to the union, is to immediately quarantine COVID suspects, but if the student’s worker or parent can’t get the GP to order the test, it won’t happen automatically.

Thus, the affected worker cannot come out of quarantine unless he pays for the PCR test with his own money, which is a minimum of 30 thousand guilders, and with a difference of 48 hours, two of them are negative. For this reason, he remains in quarantine for two weeks, with only 60% of the pay due to illness, unless he can get the authority to classify the infection as an occupational disease. This is compounded by the fact that the already significant workload of other employees continues to mount, as the lost colleague must be replaced.

According to the PDSZ, this practice is unacceptable and they find that where tests are ordered, events occur very slowly.

The union finds what they entrust to the institutions badly considered.

In some cases, there are also subjects in which the institutions are not at all competent: for example, the development of local epidemiological protocols is expected by non-professional faculties.

They write.

Although the goal would be to prevent school closings, they say the government’s actions will achieve exactly that they may soon be able to close en masse.

“Government measures do not support the stated goals, as the government does not seek to detect infections as early as possible, isolating those infected, thus protecting the kindergarten and learning communities and those who work in children’s institutions from infection. massive. By implementing massive testing, it would be possible to quell the spread of the infection at an early stage: the many unnecessary bureaucracies, the potentially infected people sent here and there, the nonsensical expectations of several days indicate recklessness and disorganization, ”they say.

They also accuse the government of doing nothing to avoid mixing groups of students and avoiding tumult so that some of the required distance can be achieved elsewhere.

According to them, this could be achieved if the digital curriculum could be ordered for upper secondary students and high school students.

Seeing the numerous partially ordered quarantines, it is also shocking, and a sign of chaos, that the government’s official covid information page to this day reports that there is no institution in Hungary where quarantine is ordered. Hiding cases not only doesn’t help parents, it also puts them in a difficult position. Disclosure of data is not only a key interest in the epidemic, but also to allow a parent who is forced to return home with their children to argue with their employer.

– writes the PDSZ, which also notes that the liability imposed on employers and directors of institutions can also raise criminal law problems, as their employment can also pose a threat to employment.

Photo: Students at the opening of the school year held at the Ágegyegyháza sports center on September 1. Photo: MTI / Zsolt Szigetváry
