Parragh proposed to Orbán the suspension of the business tax


The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages.

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On Sunday morning, Viktor Orbán met with László Parragh, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK), and said that the government was awaiting MKIK’s proposals to reduce the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic.

It is fortunate that Parragh and Orbán have a very elastic mind: MKIK already told RTL on Sunday afternoon that in addition to halving the corporate income tax, they will propose to suspend the tax on companies to the government.

Business tax is one of the most important sources of revenue for Hungarian local governments, and by cutting it, local governments would face even greater financial problems than today. But these kinds of things are not foreign to the government, even in the first wave of the epidemic, the resources and opportunities of local governments were cut off in the first place, after the leadership of several settlements in the 2019 elections fell into the hands of the opposition.

Anna Anna, the XI. The current mayor of the district, for example, wrote on Facebook that the business tax represents a third of Újbuda’s income.

In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the opposition coalition fell short and Fidesz again won a two-thirds majority. It’s about the secret negotiations that lead here and the infighting behind the scenes. MACRO last edition. Péter Magyari, one of the 444 best-known investigative journalists, conducted background interviews with the most influential figures in Hungarian political life for months, and on the basis of them seeks the answer to the basic question of Hungarian democracy: can it replace the government in elections? ”

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