Parents excluded, swim lessons suspended, dance throws postponed: Emmi squeezes in schools


The Ministry of Human Resources added some points to the action plan it had prepared for the start of the school year in mid-August due to the coronavirus epidemic. An expanded version released Monday says the future

  • a parent and another assistant may not enter the school without the prior permission of the institution director or due to participation in a program specifically for parents, such as a parent meeting.
  • Fall swim lessons must be discontinued at institutions of public education and rescheduled for spring or later grades.
  • In primary and secondary schools, it is recommended to temporarily suspend school sports sessions and sports circles in the afternoon (out of class), as well as rehearsals for school choirs and choirs.
  • The action plan also proposes to postpone the large number of events (promotions, dances, cultural programs) planned in the first half of the year, but at least when organizing them, schools must take into account the number limit and comply with health protection measures, or organize them outdoors.

In the document already described by, Emmi also stipulates that after any illness, it is only possible to return to the institution with the certificate of the general practitioner or attending physician, or with a final report from the hospital. This rule also applies to students and teachers. In the case of official home quarantine, it is necessary to present the decision issued by the epidemiological authority, which lifts epidemiological surveillance.

The rules for school meals have also been expanded. The ministry is asking schools to try to organize intermittent class lunches, separated by time, or spatial segregation when possible. If this is not possible then

meals may be allowed in your own classroom.

The action plan was supplemented by the fact that, in the event of the participation of the coronavirus, only the Office of Education can order an extraordinary interruption in the institution or institutions of the settlement.

The Democratic Union of Teachers has previously considered unacceptable and insufficient the epidemiological action plan sent to the heads of institutions, arguing that “the government and state maintainers cannot provide conditions that simultaneously ensure the health of those who enter public institutions and let them work there ”. As an example, it was mentioned that the material does not take into account the age group at risk, who make up a large part of the teaching community.

According to the ministry, the school year started well, but this beginning of school is very different from what we are used to, we asked our readers – students, parents, teachers – to share their experiences of how the first day of school was after almost half-year. Many were upset, many were crying, but others said that this September 1 went down without problems. Here’s how our readers experienced the start of the school in the shadow of the coronavirus:

Featured Image: Marjai János /
