Palkovics replaced his battery commissioner a week later


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Exactly a week ago, László Palkovics, Minister responsible for Innovation and Technology, appointed Péter Kaderják, former Secretary of State for Climate Action, Ministerial Commissioner for the development of the Hungarian battery industry. Kaderják should have represented the interests of the Hungarian battery industry in forums of the European Union and international governments, among others, and could have coordinated the internal tasks of the ministry related to the development of the Iváncsa Industrial Park.

Péter Kaderják and László Palkovics at the meeting of the Parliament’s Economic Committee in Parliament on December 2, 2019Photo: Bruzák Noémi / MTI / MTVA

However, now on Friday another ministerial instruction was published in the Official Gazette, by which László Palkovics revoked the appointment of Kaderják a week earlier. Thus, his previous instruction expired in its entirety on March 15,

that is to say, Kaderja could not be a ministerial commissioner even for a single day.

Source: Official Gazette – No. 13 of 2021

Péter Kaderják was dismissed from the head of the State Secretariat for Climate Policy in mid-January. About this step, a source who knows well the internal affairs of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology told 444: “Whoever enters a government, not by a political line, but by an expert line, sooner or later will crumble and will end. You will have too many conflicts after a while and you will not have the political capital to protect you. Or less than politicians can assess who is how strong, with whom how much can be fought. “Kaderjak is also an internationally renowned professional. At the time, many saw the weakening of the professional line as a message to Palkovics that as elections approached, the primacy of political government could no longer be an issue.

