Index – Football – Champions League

[ad_1] Karim Benzema, Dani Carvajal, Eden Hazard, Marcelo, Éder Militão, Álvaro Odriozola, Sergio Ramos, Rodrygo, Federico Valverde. They are the ones that Real Madrid coach Zinédine Zidane could not wait for against Atalanta. The current champion of Spain suffers a wave of unmatched injuries, which is why Zidane appointed a …

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At home: ATV: the government does not relax the epidemiological rigor

[ad_1] At home: ATV: the government does not relax on epidemiological rigor Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0b78a536-4b6f-4762-8807-89ca115bd8aa”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Ezért az akcióért minden bizonnyal külön elszámolás jár.”,”shortLead”:”Ezért az akcióért minden bizonnyal külön elszámolás jár.”,”id”:”20210223_Menekulore_fogta_a_kiintett_Mercedes”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”c0bd2044-552f-4bb2-b354-7769db5388c9″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20210223_Menekulore_fogta_a_kiintett_Mercedes”,”timestamp”:”2021. február. 23. 07:46″,”title”:”Videó: Menekülni kezdett …

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Former CEO was brought into slavery at bus tender hearing

[ad_1] With the third preparatory hearing, today concluded the first phase of the judicial proceedings in the Kaposvár Court in the Pécs bus acquisition case, known as Volvo-gate. More than 600 million guilders are being earned from businessmen alone, but politicians may soon be asked the same question in the …

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How does Mol see the future? What will the dividend be?

[ad_1] In the Brent-type oil price, instead of the previous 50-70, Mol expects only an oil price of 40-60 dollars per barrel for the period 2021-2025. The price of natural gas can be between 12-28 EUR / MWh instead of the 15-20 previously expected. Margins for mol refineries can be …

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