The government can replace another intelligence chief in no time

[ad_1] A change of leadership is expected in the Information Office (IH) responsible for civil intelligence, writes on the basis of the committee’s agendas posted on the parliament’s website on Friday. At the closed-door meeting of the National Security Committee of the National Assembly next Tuesday morning, the first …

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Car: There will be closings this weekend due to the Budapest Marathon

[ad_1] Car: There will be closures this weekend due to the Budapest Marathon Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”091bf384-9a67-4111-97e1-1df1cc643a32″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A humorista szerint röhejes, hogy a 21. század Európai Uniójában pár füves cigiről kell beszélni.”,”shortLead”:”A humorista szerint röhejes, hogy …

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