Tech: Perseverance sent home a stunning photo of Mars

[ad_1] Tech: Perseverance sends home a stunning photo of Mars Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f39196dd-af12-453f-9dae-f73d92fa43ce”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A jóval fertőzőbb koronavírus-variáns indította be a járvány harmadik hullámát, a tesztek is egyre gyakrabban mutatják ki. A következő héten 368 ezer …

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Index – Abroad – Hungarians are deprived of dual citizenship for fear of being separated from the parts of Slovakia inhabited by Hungary

[ad_1] The Slovak Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs cited Abkhazia, eastern Ukraine, the Donetsk Basin and other similar war zones as a reason why Hungarians do not have dual citizenship in the highlands.Martin Klus on thistospoke on Slovak news television TA3. The representative, considered the country’s dominant foreign policy, …

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Coronavirus: Closer closer than ever in the Czech Republic

[ad_1] Interior Minister Deputy Prime Minister Jan Hamacek confirmed on public service news television that the government will ask parliament to extend the state of emergency, which expires at midnight on Saturday, for one more month. “Some of the foreseen precautions can only be introduced in times of emergency,” Hamacek …

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Index – Economy – Ford plant in Romania closes

[ad_1] The car factory in Craiova will close tomorrow (February 26) due to a shortage of parts. According to the company, the forced breakage will last for eight days, production will resume on March 10, writes the website At this plant, Ford manufactures the popular Puma models. Ford decided …

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World: I don’t want to die yet – Dunaszerdahely hospital featured in shocking report

[ad_1] World: I don’t want to die yet – Dunaszerdahely hospital featured in shocking report | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5dd7ed7e-33d6-4236-9372-4be2b20e17db”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A politikus arról írt, hogy ennyire beteg még sosem volt. Ezen a héten már nem volt …

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