Brussels does not know what the Hungarian government is talking about

[ad_1] According to the government, the domestic warehouse for EU fans will be built with EU money, but the European Commission knows otherwise, Népszava reported. In March, the European Commission decided to create a strategic reserve for ventilators, protective masks and other medical devices. Assistance will be provided through the …

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Index – Culture – one of the best pizzerias in Europe

[ad_1] Riccardo Bianchi, the restaurant manager, and his Italian business partners dreamed of a youthful, Milanese-style, pizza-focused Italian restaurant in the capital. When asked how risky it is to open a pizzeria in the Hungarian gastronomic revolution, especially since this food is offered in countless places, he responds: “We knew …

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Bottas track, Ferrari surprise

[ad_1] F1 Saturday, October 10, 2020, 1:09 pm Author: Péter Vaszilykó, photo: DPPI In the first actual free practice of the Eifel Grand Prix, Valtteri Bottas opened with one track and Ferrari surprisingly finished in the top five with both cars. The field is narrow on the cold track. Yesterday’s …

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Life + Style: Police proceeding against Tibor Pintér for assault and vandalism began

[ad_1] Life + Style: Police proceedings against Tibor Pintér for bodily harm and vandalism | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”47b471f4-02f1-4b34-be84-ad9e86d416f5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Barcelona egyik városrésze lett 2020 legjobb környéke a Time Out listája szerint. Magyar hely nincs a 40-es …

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Coronavirus: the second wave is increasing

[ad_1] The Czech Republic cannot afford to shut down its economy once again, the Czech head of state said in an interview published on Saturday by the Czech daily Mladá Fronta Dnes. Milos Zeman said he agreed with Health Minister Roma Prymula that precautions against the coronavirus epidemic should be …

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