Viktor Orbán congratulated Gigi Radics on her first child

[ad_1] She was called Bella Sofia Wednesday to History The magazine’s Facebook page posted a recent video revealing that Gigi radics singer and Aaron Mikus the sculptor’s daughter, Bella Sofia was born. It was also revealed that they were brought into the world by caesarean section. Details of the birth …

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MK: In Bicske, Honvéd got team Fradi, County I

[ad_1] The Hungarian Football Federation, with the participation of seven-time cup champion Tamás Szekeres and three-time champion Attila Tököli, prepared the draw for the seventh round of the Hungarian Cup (the second round of the main table, in which they appear top 64 teams). Ad Hungarian Cup draws (Photo: …

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At home: it wouldn’t make sense for teachers to get tested for coronavirus, according to Emmi

[ad_1] At home: It wouldn’t make sense for teachers to get tested for coronavirus, according to Emmi | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”03ca7845-5dce-4c2c-9597-60cfd717ffdc”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A két hét múlva esedékes őszi vizsgákon maximum tízen lehetnek egy teremben, lázasan be …

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