At home: an electric scooter man was forded to death in Fehérvári út

[ad_1] At home: an electric scooter man was forded to death in Fehérvári út Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”24644055-fe8a-414f-9e84-07a4c3c51eda”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Gulyás Gergely ugyanis nem fog ráérni. “,”shortLead”:”Gulyás Gergely ugyanis nem fog ráérni. “,”id”:”20201011_Furjes_Balazs_lehet_a_XII_kerulet_kepviselojeloltje”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ade718c6-0a85-4e3d-86ea-2e85baac99e6″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201011_Furjes_Balazs_lehet_a_XII_kerulet_kepviselojeloltje”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 11. 11:18″,”title”:”Fürjes Balázs lehet …

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A new artery appeared in the human arm.

[ad_1] Human evolution has not stopped, the best example of which is the expansion of the middle artery; more and more people have an extra artery in their forearms, writes science portal Futurism. The function of the median artery in the fetal arm is to supply blood to the developing …

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the weddings were interrupted by the Kosovo authorities

[ad_1] The Kosovo authorities halted the weddings and closed the restaurants for the weekend as they received large numbers of guests despite restrictions to curb the epidemic. The Health Ministry said that if the number of infected people does not decrease, more strict measures can be expected. In the Western …

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János Slavik: The flu vaccine is recommended for everyone

[ad_1] Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, János Szlávik, Chief Physician of the Department of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases of the Central South Pest Hospital, recommends that everyone get vaccinated against the infusion starting next week. The number of people infected with the coronavirus and the number …

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At home: Slavic – Flu vaccination is recommended

[ad_1] At home: Slavic – influenza vaccination is recommended Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a3e0ec2b-735c-47b6-bd53-9ad61307cbbb”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”Ez a lengyel játékos első Grand Slam-győzelme.”,”shortLead”:”Ez a lengyel játékos első Grand Slam-győzelme.”,”id”:”20201010_Iga_Swiatek_a_noi_bajnok_a_Roland_Garroson”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”bf086c7b-cefa-4528-bcf0-ffa3b102bc6e”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/sport/20201010_Iga_Swiatek_a_noi_bajnok_a_Roland_Garroson”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 10. 16:54″,”title”:”Iga Swiatek a női bajnok a Roland Garroson”,”trackingCode”:”RELATED”,”c_isbrandchannel”:false,”c_isbrandcontent”:false,”c_isbrandstory”:false,”c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory”:false,”c_isbranded”:false,”c_ishvg360article”:false,”c_partnername”:null,”c_partnerlogo”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″,”c_partnertag”:null},{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5e25b720-8515-45a0-a5ae-72a7e2733507″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Majd …

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