the left blames each other for their defeat at Borsod

[ad_1] The candidate was bad, the left-wing coalition was bad, radical left-wing representative Ákos Hadházy wrote on Facebook. Then the search for those responsible began. An interesting part of his writing, by the way, is when he argues that the leftist candidate was much more corrupt than the non-leftist press …

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At home: Zsófia Koncz from Fidesz won the provisional elections in Borsod

[ad_1] At home: Zsófia Koncz from Fidesz won the provisional elections in Borsod Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”160e564e-cb2c-4d6e-a499-64747caae9cc”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A detonáció, amelynek okát egyelőre nem tudják, pánikot okozott.”,”shortLead”:”A detonáció, amelynek okát egyelőre nem tudják, pánikot okozott.”,”id”:”20201010_Felrobbant_egy_uzemanyagtartaly_Bejrut_surun_lakott_negyedeben”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d71a7eb4-f01d-47e8-b71a-1b1a52c59a29″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201010_Felrobbant_egy_uzemanyagtartaly_Bejrut_surun_lakott_negyedeben”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 10. …

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Sport: Serbia-Hungary – 0-1 – LIVE

[ad_1] Sport: Serbia-Hungary – 0-1 – LIVE | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”566d807a-4b3f-4df2-b0f8-b9b3c96f1dfe”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A világ leghíresebb múzeumaiban őrzött alkotásai mellett a 47 éves korában elhunyt mexikói festő gerincfűzőjét és végtagprotézisét is megmutatják abban az új dokumentumfilmben, amely …

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National League: Triple of Haaland against Romania; The dutch

[ad_1] In the Football League of Nations, on matchday 3 of Group B of Group 1, Norway, led by triple Erling Haaland, defeated Romania 4-0. In the A-League, the Netherlands drew scoreless as guests of Bosnia-Herzegovina, while Croatia won 2-1 at home against Sweden. Erling Haaland tripled against Romania (Photo: …

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