F1: Leclerc race ravaged by disaster

[ad_1] For Ferrari, Charles Leclerc’s surprising fourth place in the time trial was very promising, at least in light of the last few weeks or months. However, at the Formula 1 Eifel Grand Prix, the Maranello Guard could not keep up and eventually racked up points with their Monaco, which …

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At home: Péter Jakab: “If the opposition could do this in 50 days, Fidesz could be afraid”

[ad_1] At home: Péter Jakab: “If the opposition could do this in 50 days, Fidesz could be afraid” | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”66e328d8-f91f-478b-8a0f-2f342be9ee39″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A jövő héten a háziorvosok új szabályozásáról tárgyal majd a miniszterelnök szerint a …

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Star star: Opitz Barbi left

[ad_1] A Star in the star For the seventh broadcast, the singers made two productions: in addition to the solo, they also had to present a group performance. Based on the total points of the jury and the spectators, return after elimination Horváth Boldi won this week’s broadcast. With Clement’s …

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Fidesz: confident victory, Jobbik: brutal headwind

[ad_1] Forsz’s candidate for the provisional elections in Borsod, Zsófia Koncz he won by 50.8 percent of the vote. DK, MSZP, Momentum, LMP and Dialogue Judge László he led at the beginning of the vote count, but ultimately got 45.9 percent. After the announcement of the final result Viktor Orban …

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