At home: Viktor Orbán also congratulated Zsófia Koncz: “Your father would be very proud of you”

[ad_1] At home: Viktor Orbán also congratulated Zsófia Koncz: “Your father would be very proud of you” | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3fdab4d1-716a-43db-a300-54ec2089734a”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Adómentes lesz a főzés, évi 86 literig.”,”shortLead”:”Adómentes lesz a főzés, évi 86 literig.”,”id”:”20201011_Tallai_Gyozott_a_palinkaszabadsagharc”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”1af56c95-03bd-4052-a8de-f5173e1c261a”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20201011_Tallai_Gyozott_a_palinkaszabadsagharc”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. …

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May everyone be very proud of these guys!

[ad_1] The Hungarian soccer team defeated Serbia 1-0 on Sunday night in the third round of the Nations League. After the victory, Federal Captain Marco Rossi praised the fighting skills and tactical discipline of the players, but also sent a message to those who had previously criticized the decisions of …

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Fresh weather forecast for next week has arrived

[ad_1] A lot of rain is expected next week. Cooling is also expected, there will be a maximum of 20 degrees Celsius in fewer and fewer places, and in some places it will be necessary to be prepared for frosts at dawn, according to the national medium-term forecast of the …

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According to Wolff, Bottas was disappointed

[ad_1] Valtteri Bottas came to the Nürburgring after his second win of the year, two weeks ago in Russia he was able to cut Lewis Hamilton’s lead in the World Cup points race to 44 points. Bottas also squandered pole position in front of his teammate and also led early …

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