Index – Foreign – Coronavirus drug is also used in Serbia

[ad_1] A drug called Remdesivir, developed to treat coronavirus patients, is also available in Serbia on Monday, the Serbian epidemiological crisis team said. However, the authorities noted that this drug could only be used in certain stages of Covid-19 disease on medical advice. In the Western Balkans, with the exception …

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Life + Style: Courtesy of Dorottya marched towards the Carmelita with a red mask

[ad_1] Life + Style: Courtesy of Dorottya marched to the Carmelita with a red mask Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”68a1be90-b489-44eb-a266-3166e85a519c”,”c_author”:”Balogh Csaba”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Új megoldásokat találtak ki a közösségi web szolgáltatói az amerikai elnökválasztás előtt arra, hogy csökkentsék a felhasználók illegális befolyásolására …

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Cecília Müller had already criticized the few tests

[ad_1] Müller Cecília Monday’s press conference of operating personnel began with the dry facts. The national medical director said that those infected produce highly variable symptoms, yet more and more people are hospitalized and on a ventilator, not just with mild symptoms. Cecília Müller spoke at length that the virus …

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Crying, Kim Jongun apologized to his people

[ad_1] Kim Jongun delivered a speech at a mass military review organized to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Labor Party. The North Korean dictator, broken down in tears, apologized to his people for failing to properly govern the country during the recent difficult period. Our …

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At home: Beatrix Oroszi: Our epidemic curve is similar to Austria’s because we can detect fewer cases

[ad_1] At home: Beatrix Oroszi: Our epidemic curve is similar to Austria’s because we can detect fewer cases | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”566d807a-4b3f-4df2-b0f8-b9b3c96f1dfe”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A világ leghíresebb múzeumaiban őrzött alkotásai mellett a 47 éves korában elhunyt mexikói …

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