Tech: Fidesz winner Zsófia Koncz spent more than 5 million on Facebook advertising alone

[ad_1] Tech: Fidesz winner Zsófia Koncz spent more than 5 million on Facebook advertising alone | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”43c9027e-9ffc-4e70-83af-fc1a51d49f8b”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Örmányország és Azerbajdzsán orosz közvetítéssel tárgyal Moszkvában.”,”shortLead”:”Örmányország és Azerbajdzsán orosz közvetítéssel tárgyal Moszkvában.”,”id”:”20201012_hegyikarabah_ormenyorszag_azerbajdzsan”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”504dc1ec-f50f-454b-a0fc-da29675ec935″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201012_hegyikarabah_ormenyorszag_azerbajdzsan”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 12. 05:09″,”title”:”Újra …

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Tímea Babos’s partner ends nervously

[ad_1] It was not possible to train properly for months, especially not to compete, after that we were treated unworthily at the US Open, although it could have been an even bigger opportunity. The victory was born after a very, very long quarantine, in a supposed bubble, which is special …

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