Here are the Hungarian prices for the new iPhones

[ad_1] Apple unveiled four new iPhones on Wednesday, the Hungarian prices of which have already appeared on the manufacturer’s official website. Apple on Wednesday unveiled the 5G-capable iPhone 12 family, which has four members. The iPhone 12 comes with a 6.1-inch screen and the 12 mini with a 5.4-inch screen. …

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Cristiano Ronaldo coronavirus –

[ad_1] Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese star player for Juventus, caught the corona virus. Due to its positive test, the entire Portuguese team has been retested, but no other infected outside of it have been found, so the team can be on its feet for Wednesday’s game against Sweden, writes 444. …

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At Home: Teachers’ Union: Three Teachers Have Died So Far From Coronavirus

[ad_1] Start: Teachers’ Union: Three teachers have died so far from coronavirus Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1b2b12ab-89b8-48ba-a283-061adf64149e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Mérget tartalmazó tüskéi vannak annak a hernyófajtának, amelyből egyre többet látni Virginia államban. Az állatok szúrása erős fájdalmat okozhat.”,”shortLead”:”Mérget tartalmazó …

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