Bravery tie after victories! – UFO

[ad_1] In the League of Nations, on the 4th day of Group 3 of the B-League, the Hungarian team entered Moscow as a guest of Russia and ended in a goalless draw. Our national team scored a point in a heroic fight (Photo: MTI) Ad League of NationsLEAGUE BGROUP 3, …

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National League, League A: Croatia-France – NSO

[ad_1] In Group 3 of the Nations League, world champion France got off to a great start at the home of their last opponent and quickly took the lead thanks to Griezmann. The Croats didn’t find a rhythm for a long time, but then they recovered and leveled off. However, …

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World: Macron imposed a curfew on Paris and several French cities

[ad_1] World: Macron imposed a curfew on Paris and several French cities Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e433edea-d5f2-4609-a9c2-765457e55e02″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Jön A korona negyedik évada, itt az előzetes.”,”shortLead”:”Jön A korona negyedik évada, itt az előzetes.”,”id”:”20201014_Diana_hercegno_menyasszonyi_fatyla_bekuszik_a_kepernyore”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”aca3d1c1-55e5-4067-8c53-8f82a841b5bc”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201014_Diana_hercegno_menyasszonyi_fatyla_bekuszik_a_kepernyore”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 14. 09:34″,”title”:”Diana hercegnő menyasszonyi …

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