Updated NAV blacklist

[ad_1] The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) has released a renewed list of employers of undeclared employees and those with unorganized labor relations. Undeclared employees NAV continuously publishes on its website in the list of publications of taxpayers who employ undeclared employees the names, registered offices, tax numbers (employer …

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Index – Foreigner – Joe Biden: We see totalitarian regimes, Belarus, Poland and Hungary

[ad_1] The Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita stabbed an excerpt from yesterday’s Philadelphia interview with US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden (which was essentially meant to replace the second personal debate with Donald Trump). In this, the Democratic presidential candidate calls the Republic of Belarus, Poland and Hungary a totalitarian regime. Biden …

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World: Orbán: nobody should plan a trip abroad during the ski season

[ad_1] World: Orbán: no one should plan a trip abroad during the ski season hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”051daa94-6aab-4e9c-8268-d1853179bb9f”,”c_author”:”EUrologus”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Néhány éve a magyar kormány azzal ment neki az Európai Bizottságnak, hogy politikai okokból csak Magyarország jogállamiságát vizsgálja, …

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