The Japanese bear was shot, injuring four people

[ad_1] What you need to know every morning. A red bear was shot in Japan, injuring four people in Hakusan city on Friday and damaging a police car. The 1.3-meter-long, more than 100-pound bear first caused serious injuries to a 95-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman in Isikava governorate in …

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Barcelona: still no agreement on wage cuts

[ad_1] At FC Barcelona Football Club, there is still no agreement on salary cuts between players and management. Yesterday we reported that due to financial problems, the club’s management is in talks to reduce salary costs by 30 percent. Lionel Messi rejects salary cut plan (Photo: AFP) Ad According to …

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Tech: 9,500-year-old artifacts emerge from under a melting Swiss glacier

[ad_1] Tech: 9,500-year-old finds emerge from melting Swiss glacier Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”170701e9-30f5-433a-88f2-66c3eb2b21b3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A napi halálozások száma kis híján a duplájára emelkedett 24 óra alatt.”,”shortLead”:”A napi halálozások száma kis híján a duplájára emelkedett 24 óra alatt.”,”id”:”20201015_olaszorszag_koronavirus”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”80600cbd-b25e-4397-b7b4-2c3c2c85862f”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201015_olaszorszag_koronavirus”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Index – Sports – Poor Lionel Messi

[ad_1] At FC Barcelona Football Club, there is still no agreement on salary cuts between players and management. Catalan radio RAC1 reported that the players of the first and second team wrote in a letter to the club’s leaders that they rejected the proposal for a thirty percent pay cut. …

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Fidesz spoke about the robbery

[ad_1] What you need to know every morning. Fidesz complains of theft – in Erzsébetváros, where on Friday the Democratic Coalition acknowledged that the The police conducted a search of the house in the municipality building for power theft. Tamás Borka-Szász, chairman of the finance committee, immediately resigned his seat …

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